Chapter X: We've Gone Mad Hatter

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I shouldn't have ate those apples I repeated to myself trying to use my make-up to cover my black eye. I'd gotten good at using it because Marshall said that people would try to take me away from him if people had seen my marks but I see them as marks of love ones that really are showing that he himself is taking me on and shaping me into the perfect lover. This morning I was particularly mad because i'd ran out of the green base I'd tried concealer and foundation but it didn't cover it up to well. This morning I broke down scared of Marshalls reaction to me going to school with marks showing or someone taking me away from him.

Sighing I went back to sleep when I woke it was time to leave walking to the living room I met him and he smiled at me not saying anything I felt like the weight was lifted off my shoulder and I kissed him on the lips. He pushed me against the wall intensifying the kiss. I accepted it I was used to it by then it didn't bother me much anymore. I was the one to break it "Well first year of college is almost over so you'll have to wait a little bit longer."

"Fine" agreed "I wont be able to pick you up from school so you'll have to walk home today I hope that's fine"

"Yeah" I replied sadly and he drove me to school. Upon arriving Nico tried talking to me again. He has been all over my case since the time we went to the Pink Garden he saw Marshall walking out apparently and started asking questions because Marshall had carried me out. Marshall told me to ignore him and so I did but Nico persisted to pester me about anything that happened. "What did Marshall do?"

"What do you mean?" I asked and he just shrugged it off and didn't say anything. I started walking to class faster and Nico walked faster next to me texting on his phone. As soon as I reached the door I ran in for my escape. This time Nico didn't follow me in but I felt like he was at the door but it could've just been that I was so paranoid I was just imagining it I highly doubted that he was.

Once again Luciana came in late. I've become used to the fact that the professor honestly doesn't care about the class he teaches and when people come as long as they do. As long as there is at least one person in the room I'm sure he'd teach he'd lecture till his hearts content. "Nico Haize if you could please stop coming into the class room. It's rather annoying that you're trying to get a free class in I don't teach for free I teach for money so out you go if you will not leave I will have security escort you." Giving The proffesor a dirty look he exited. "As for your final before you guys go for break you must create a story about something that you believe needs to be exploited. I will not be grading on the grammar nor the story length just the way in which it is portrayed It can be five words as long as you can wow me in such a short count. This must be non-fiction and must be an original. As many people have told you I have reported students who have used other peoples work..." He continued talking and I'd grown bored with him easily. I laid my head down on crossed arms and Luciana threw a note onto my desk. I ignored it. She threw another at me. So I picked it up and read it.

Do you want to story line after school together?

I shook my head and threw the notes back at her she sighed and I took a nap.

I was looking into the mirror it shook at the sight of me as I touched it the mirror went completely black and Marshall formed from it and he tore at my skin. I felt every single slice into my skin as he took it off and ate it. He punched me in the ribs and he screamed.

I woke to the bell ringing I was sweating. It was just a dream I whispered to myself trying to calm down.

"Something wrong?" Luciana asked.

I laughed hoping it didn't sound fake "Oh no i just had a nightmare."

"Oh I'm surprised you can still dream I haven't dreamt in a long time." She took her bag and I took mine and we left class together sifting and pushing our way past our classmates. "Hey so are you saying no to story lining after school?"

"Well no" I replied awkwardly itching the back of my head. "Marshall might want me to be with him today I haven't been home often."

"Oh come on please" Luciana begged "It's not like you're sexually attracted to me or anything also he shouldn't care so much you are your own person."

"Luciana he may want to go out or something"

"Well the sooner that you get that book done that we are doing the sooner you can have him all to yourself." She grabbed my arm and shook me when I shook my head no to her "Oh come on!" She complained "Just go with me it will be fine."

"Okay" I gave in "Just let me" Feeling my jeans for my phone I sighed "Never mind hopefully he will understand that I don't call him."

"Here just use my phone I thought you had your silly leaving it at home."I took the phone and dialed Marshalls number and pressed call. It continued to rang and he didn't answer. I tried three more times then resorted to texting him.

"There, thank you."

"Great yay I'm so glad you'll go with me!!"

Within an hour we arrived at her house it was a large two story blue house with light wood trimming. "Soo what do you think?" I took a moment to take in the perfect sight ahead of me.

"I love it, it's" I was mesmerized by the perfection of this house it was something I'm sure I'd dreamed of a house for Marshall and I.

We walked upon the rocks leading to the front door which was a sky blue that had clouds on it. She gently pushed the door and led me in. She showed me to her room which was covered with clothes. "Sorry about the mess just make yourself comfortable I got a phone call to make."

"Okay" I smiled and she left me to myself I examined the pictures on the walls many of them of guys and lots of Nico. I love you Damion please don't go. I quickly whipped my head around the room looking for him I checked the closet and under the bed and couldn't find him. Realizing it was in my head I sat on the bed and got out my notebook and tried to write down a short story line but was quickly halted by a writers block. "Call them now while he's distracted. Okay I love you bye." I didn't question the conversation and instead questioned her on why she had so many pictures of Nico in her room and she shrugged it off. "What if we do a story on love and how it effects people Damion? Oh or we could..." She continued brainstorming her ideas in the mirror over the head of the bed in lip stick. Before I knew it, it was dark outside and raining "Oh my god Luci you should've told me the time Marshalls going to freak out." I fell asleep before arriving home. I don't know what happened between that time. When I woke it was dark pitch black. Feeling around I noticed it was flat and carpeted sitting up I felt clothing above my head and the door flew open and I saw Marshalls blood shot eyes look down at me as he kicked me in the nose causing a large popping noise and my nose went numb and he continued to kick me continuously "You called the fucking cops on me!?" He screamed as he broke one of my ribs "I thought you loved me" He busted my kneecap also causing my vision to start to fade in and out. My body felt no pain just went numb. "It's because of that bitch you've been cheating on me with." He closed and locked the closet door leaving me on the floor and I began to feel the pain and I screamed and screamed as the pain got worse and worse. "I love you Marshall I'm sorry" I blacked out soon the pain becoming too much.

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