Chapter VII: Lost In A Foreign Body

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When I woke up that morning Marshall was standing above me. When he saw my eyes flutter open he began to kiss me lovingly and soft. I flinched from it and he looked sad, so I let him continue to kiss me. I felt bad for him. Marshall then started to rub my back "Do you want to take a bath?"

It was an unusual question but, I'd accepted and I tried to get up but my legs numbed and I fell to the ground my butt pulsing from pain. I bit my lip to keep from crying out in pain. Marshall picked me up "It will all be fine Damion. I got you". Even though he did what he did I still trusted him. I let him carry me and let me down on the toilet seat as he readied the water for me. I looked up at him lovingly. What happened last night was most likely an accident because he truly loved me. Kevin knocked on the door, ignoring that I was naked and smiled at me in which I looked away, blushing lightly. This time Marshall didn't see it.

"I'm going to the store. Do you want anything?"

Marshall thought for a moment and had declined the offer. With that Kevin directed his question to me. I thought for a moment "Would you be able to wait so I can go with you?"

Marshalls face grew slightly red from his jealousy but, he didn't say anything. "Sure." Kevin smiled, his dimples showing as he did. Marshall's response on his face was clear but ignored. With that, Kevin tapped the door as he left.

Marshall lifted me, along with himself, into the bathtub and he sat behind me. I didn't object as he cleaned me. He began to soap up my body and was about to touch my butt and I flinched. He didn't say anything about me flinching, but held me close and kissed my ear lobe. "I love you Damion".

I didn't say it back this time but, I knew without a doubt I love him. I kissed him on the lips. Marshall smiled lovingly and helped me get dressed. Soon after we parted ways, Kevin was ready to go, smiling, finally able to leave. I struggled to get into Kevin's truck on my own and he took my hand pulling me up, his palm much warmer than usual. "So, what do you think of my brother?" He asked not trying to sound as if he asked for his own reasoning.

"I love him." I looked out the window trying to dodge the question. "It's not very different from here and in America." Kevin didn't say another word as we went to the store. Though that didn't stop him from stealing glances at me every so often to ensure I was okay, which I told him I was around thirty times.

"You're going to continue your studies, right?" He seemed curious about me, which I found rather odd. Smiling, I didn't answer him. Better to just keep my mouth shut while I still have one. I didn't want to be with Marshall, but without him nothing made sense. I had no purpose when I am by myself. "I saw-" I cringed I knew what he was saying. He'd saw what happened. I watched through the window, hoping to disappear. I never thought leaving out into the world would be so insecure. By the time we found a parking spot an hour had passed. Getting out of the car I stretched my stiff joints, relaxing slightly. Grabbing a shopping cart Kevin glanced at me once again "I wish you'd at least continue your studies. It's best for you, just so you know what's going on."

"What do you mean?" I asked. He refused to respond to my question but looked on forward and continued to walk. People stopped and stared at me, which was rather odd. I'm just another person. I became self-conscious as Kevin walked different. He even held his hands and pushed the cart different from how I did back in America. Everyone spoke with a different lilt to their voice. America was just taking in the word 'mate' when speaking, but in the United Kingdom they used them in a different way. Kevin asked me if I wanted biscuits and I told him no, but he meant cookies. I have never been so excited to seclude myself in my room. But I couldn't yet. He was shopping, and I really had to pee. "Hey Kevin, where is the bathroom?"

"They don't have one here silly." He laughed "By bloody god imagine what would happen if they had one here." Shaking his head, he grabbed a loaf of bread and continued going on. "I'm ready to go now, are you?"

"Yes, I just want to go pee, Jesus!" I yelled in a hushed tone. Kevin started to laugh at me again like last time "What do you think my need to relieve myself is a laughing matter?"

"Oh, yes it's priceless watching you struggle with how we speak versus how you speak in the states. It's called a Loo. While I check out, you go relieve yourself. It's in the back in the left corner." I was about to book it but Kevin began to talk again. "Also, so you know, there are both men and women in one restroom."

"You're just messing with me and I know that. Hell, America was having a big debate about it before I left, and it sounds crazy." I booked it, pushing past lots of people. I got bad looks and occasionally I was called a wanker, or told that I've lost the plot. I ignored them. I had only one thing on my mind that was to relieve myself. Before I reached my destination, I watched a woman stroll past me. It was rather odd, but I continued on. Once I arrived I realized that he was right. Men and women were in this restroom. It was extremely odd and I blushed, embarrassed by the sight of something like this. I didn't argue. I just wanted to pee. Finding a stall, I hurried and flushed. As quickly as possible I washed my hands and left the bathroom without bothering to dry them. I didn't want to stay in there any longer than I had to.

Soon enough, we were outside and Kevin told me to put the groceries in the boot. I at least knew that one and did so quickly. He made fun of me because of how clueless I was about the words the people here used. I laughed too, but all laughing ceased when I saw Marshall. He stood outside on the porch once we arrived home. His face seemed hard as stone. I was scared something had gone wrong, but when he saw me get out the car he embraced me smiling. "I've missed you my sweet." He kissed my neck and I knew that was the last I'd see of Kevin for the night. Although he brought me pain I loved it. I loved him. He was mine and I was his. It didn't matter that he hit me. He didn't mean to. I slept with him that night and nothing happened. As I went to sleep, I kept repeating my mantra over and over in my head before I slept while in his arms. 'I loved him. He is mine and I am his. He didn't mean to hurt me. I love him. He is mine and I am his.'

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