Chapter I: Knocking On The Door

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"Yeah I'll go when someone actually asks me out as a first choice." I told Marshall from behind the counter. "Prom is such a silly thing thinking that people are actually going to form relationships in high school and keep them afterwards." Honest to God it never fucking works how you plan it. I took his card and charged him $4.00 for the coffee without asking. "Chi Coffee with double shot black, light cream and no cherry." My work had a large variety of flavors they put in the coffee. Not like the store wasn't called Cafe International. 'Tastes from around the world' The company really meant what they said in their slogan.

"Why don't you go, Damion? It'll be fun," I glanced up into Marshalls soft brown eyes.

"Sure, like I said previously, I'll go when I get asked out." Marshall persisted to ask me to go but I continued to deny him. Marshall has a boyfriend and in my opinion m, Marshall wasn't that attractive. "Not from you"I replied as I pointed an empty cup at him. "I want to truly go with someone."  I already asked for prom night off for "family obligations" which meant going to the mall. Marshall didn't know I was going to spend that hefty check my parents gave me there instead of at a social event that has overpriced items.

"Yeah, you say you don't want to go to prom yet... you blush anyway." I glanced at the small mirror hanging next to the register; seeing I was blushing I reddened more.

"By the way I don't want my usual," 'Oh. Why is he changing it now?' I thought silently 'He already has a nice body.' I looked behind Marshall finding another person as an escape if needed. "I want a fat free gluten free soy coffee." Mentally, I gagged 'Fine. Whatever. Not my money'. I rang it up and replaced it.

"Cost $8.00 costs to be healthy, hun." Marshall seemed a little off kilter with me calling him hun. If I was right, I'd seen a ghost of a smile on his face. I proceeded to make the original Chi Coffee and handed it to him.

"This isn't what I asked for."

"Nobody cares because I'm not changing and neither are your coffee habits."

"I'll-" Cutting him off, I began.

"No, you won't, you'll stop being a-" Remembering I had costumers, I censored myself before I continued. "and stay with him. It's your mess up, you stay with him or leave him. I don't care. But you are not going to break up with him because you like me more." Marshall did this all the time to me. Marshall tried to speak but was cut off again. "I have other customers to get to." Marshall moved aside politely. I watched as he took his coffee and left. Sometimes he could be that way. Making me think I want to drop everything and be his. I shouldn't let his straight untamed jet black hair and his soft brown-green eyes affect me so much. Dissatisfied, but slightly aroused by my thoughts, I got to the next costumer.
"Hello ma'am how may I help you?"

She had a stunningly soft blood red smile with hair dyed black and eyes to match. She wasn't an adult maybe a senior in high school. "Hello Damion." She leaned over the counter so her breasts were in my view. Feeling uncomfortable, I adverted my eyes, then cleared my throat. "I'd like me a... uh..." she proceeded to put finger on her lip, teasing it with her tongue. I felt sick the girl had the man in line behind her turned on due to the look of lust in his eyes. Clearly, he was ready to get her alone. I nearly lost it waiting for her to order. "A fat free soy latte" There she goes trying to look like she orders healthy for these men. Hurrying, I made it and charged her.

"Val." I groaned.

"What?" She responded in a mocking tone.

"Cover me. I'm going around back make sure there isn't anybody doing anything stupid. Things I wouldn't do at least." Without another word, I left and took off the baby puke apron I was forced to wear. Exiting, I surveyed the area ensuring no one was there. After so, I took the pack of cigarettes out of my pocket. I lit one and took a long drag; The feeling calmed me. I'd taken up the habit accidentally. The outside was calm, and the birds even sung for me. Hearing the door open and quickly slam, I  hid the cigarette. Seeing it was only Val, I cursed her name silently.

"What? Don't want your little hun to know you smoke?" She asked teasingly.

"You know I don't want him to." I wasn't lying. "He doesn't like smoking. His father smokes and has lung cancer. He's been against it since his father was diagnosed." I took a long drag again slowly letting out its fumes. "You know it helps."

"I didn't ask for your sap. Give me your pack now. And I want that cigarette." I handed them over, trusting her. She stashed the pack and smoked the cigarette down.

"You're trying to kill me, aren't you?" I asked playfully, trying to make light of the moment I found myself in.

"Not entirely. I just want you to stop. You don't like doing it, you know you don't. That's why, unlike other people, you don't just wash your hands after smoking. You're ashamed of it, even if you don't want to admit it. You even go to the extent of reapplying perfume and using mouthwash." Whatever. She caught me. So what? I was distracted by a squirrel and didn't notice she had hid the pack. I felt mad for some reason and left work early that day. I left around 2:50pm. About seven hours later my conditioned worsened. By the next day, I got ready for school and threw on some sunglasses that I rarely wore but, today it felt like I was having the hangover of a lifetime. I wasn't addicted, but it would take a little getting used to not smoking again.

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