Chapter III: Reporting to Commander

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I sat at the lunch table with Val across from me. "You mean Marshall literally asked you to have a threesome with him and you turned him down. You could've had him right there."

I shook my head, day dreaming of a perfect world where everything made sense. Where nobody cheated. "I understand that, but it was Nico. I like him a lot. I don't want to fuck him. If he were to know that I love him still he would stop talking to me." I was currently depressed even more since I forgot my meds at home and Val's car broke, so I couldn't get them. "With Marshall, he would just be a fuck buddy. He isn't loyal enough."

"You're complaining to me about how you don't know which one to choose in the fall out, but you seem to have everything planned out." Val looked over my shoulder to Coby. I smiled at him. He was taller than me, and was and completely straight. One of the rare ones you'll never find. He had short cropped black hair and black eyes. As usual, he sported a cowboy hat and he took the chair next to Val, flipping it to sit so he could lean on the back of it.

"What y'all girls talking about?" He looked at Val.

"Hey, that's mine." She snatched the hat of his head. "You were not supposed to wear that." Apparently, she forgot that a week ago, at the rave, she'd forgotten it at his house.

"I guess I was just wanting a second opinion." I laid my head down, frustrated. "I want them both. But I know Marshall likes me."

"Why you barking at those two? I know this fella named Chad. He's a really nice guy. Don' know how to bait a hook, but I'm sure you two would get a-" Val stomped on his foot to get him to stop, and she took my hands in hers. I held her eye contact as she spoke. "Honestly Damion, I would go for Marshall. Since you know that he likes you." He does, but for all the wrong reasons. I got up, not saying anything, and started to walk to Dr. Montes room. At least there I'd be able to sort out my troubles. I checked the time and sighed. No smoke break now. Walking in the room, I slammed my stuff on the floor next to Marshall. Marshall looked up with a questioning gaze. I ignored him and hid myself in my arms on the desk. I'd never failed science before, but this would be the year. I would fail, and it would all be because of Marshall. We were a day behind now, and the class was full of people who front loaded everything. So technically, we were three days behind. The rest of the class was already starting on attempting the first surgeries. When I wasn't looking, Dr. Montes approached my desk.

He tapped on it, apparently mistaking me for sleeping and began to ask questions about the project summary and stuff like that. Noticing I wasn't paying attention to him, he leaned in near my ear. "You realize, Damion, without this credit you can't pass to Senior year, right? This is a two-thousand point assignment. I'd hate to see you fail. You're the best loo- (king one here)." He stopped before finished. "You have the best looking record here." He looked over to Marshall. "You better get him to work with you, or you're going to fail. For him it doesn't matter, because he's gone three days after prom." Dr. Montes continued as he surveyed the class. After I was sure Montes was gone and wouldn't return, I looked to Marshall. My motive changed suddenly. I realized what I'd have to do to get him to work with me. It was simple. Sex. Well not sex but, teasing? Could I even tease?

"You got to work with me, Marshall. If you don't, I'm gonna fail." I shook my head, looking away from him while running my hands along his chest. "I'm sad that you would leave me like that, having to spend one more year here. Also, because I really want you." Marshall seemed intrigued. He bought it, and I kept selling more.

"Oh really? And what would I have to do to have you?" I hesitated, then began massaging Marshalls cock under the table. I knew someone was watching me but I didn't pay attention to who though. I can't let the play slip so easily.

"Work with me Marshall. I need you. I need this grade, and I need help with the notes for the work." He smiled and nipped at my ear.

"Fine. The notes will be done two days before prom." I smiled and kissed his cheek. Soon I left. I couldn't stand it anymore. Whoever was watching me kept lingering while I was in class, and I didn't like it.

I was about to leave, but a security guard caught me. The guard was one of the bigger ones. "What are you doing?"

Shit. I started to panic. I needed an excuse "I-I forgot my notes in my car." The guard shook his head and laughed at me.

"Yeah, funny. Get back to class." He then had me go back to class with an escort. Jase had a smile when I walked in. She was one of the populars and I knew that tomorrow there would be a new rumor going around. Hopefully better than the one she started about me being straight. I waited in class till the bell rang.

When I'd arrived home, Val texted me. I didn't notice it till I checked my phone once I'd gotten home. She was calling me. I hurried and picked up. "What the fuck Damion? I texted you, did you not get it?" She waited a beat but continued. "Anyway, you're staying up tonight. I said you are so you will. We're going to go dress shopping for prom at midnight."

"Val, I don't have my meds" I complained.

"I don't care. You're going. They're having a half off sell and we're getting matching dresses or pair dresses whatever looks better." I sighed. I was submissive, but I'd never wear a dress. I might as well though, it was my senior year. I hanged up with her and got dressed into something better than school clothing. By the time I got done, it was around 7:24pm, so I took a nap.

"I can't believe you're actually doing this." I got in her suspect truck and we were off. "Make me get up at fucking midnight, and I have work today. Do you know how mad I'm going to be?" I sighed and looked out the window, taking in the midnight traffic.

"Yeah. I am doing this it's for your own good. You're not staying home on prom night. And midnight whatever. It's not like you really sleep till after midnight." She stopped talking, forgetting the last question.

"The customers."

"Yeah I knew that." She huffed "Don't worry about them. They're all assholes anyway."

After around the fourteenth round of dresses, I gave up, but Val hadn't. It always ended with her reciting 'The next dress is it.'

"Get your ass in this dress." She laid it out in front of me. "You'll like it."

I got dressed and came out of the changing room. It was long sleeved with a see-through mesh until it met the sweetheart and went out like a ball at the end. It was all white with lots of birds on it. I twirled while Val watched. "I guess I do like it. Let's leave."

With much arguing, Val made her way up and paid a whopping $18,000 on just my dress. I didn't say a word about the price tag. It's not like it'll change her mind anyway. When we got in the truck, she put on the country music she adores. "I know you went to Marshall's house. What happened? You never told me."

"Not telling you, you snoop."

"Hey, mama has to know what is going on with my cub. I swear to god if he did anything I'm going to kill him."

"Nothing happened, all he did was ask me to have a threesome with him and-" suddenly she hit the brakes, forcing me forward, almost hitting my head on the dash.

"He did what?" her voice dropped an octave.

"He asked if him, Nico and I would have a threesome."

"What did you say?"

"Don't worry Val. I didn't actually do anything with him...yet. I don't know, because I may need to fuck him for the grade."

"I wouldn't if I were you. Don't tie him to you, or you will get hurt."

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