Chapter VIII: Lost To A Cycle

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Early on that night I woke. I felt pain shooting through my body again almost as familiar as last time but this was harsher. I met contact with his blood shot eyes and he slapped me across to face as he inserted his whole fist into my asshole. I was about to scream my walls tearing as he forced it to stretch to fit in his fist. He covered my mouth with his hand and I bit down on his hand. I didn't like this "Sto-!" Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my chest as if someone had jabbed a knife into my rib. It shook through my body. I've never been more scared because I know this wasn't My Marshall not the one I got with. He didn't want to hurt me. Quickly he pulled his fist out and I yelped loudly and he punched me in my rib harder. To punish me he lifted me up by my balls pulling on them yanking me higher and higher. The pain shot through my body I bit my lip and it started to bleed. I couldn't scream or he'd inflict more pain. I tried to kick him as he unbuttoned his pants but it did no good because he lifted me completely so the bed would no longer support any of my weight and I began to cry. My balls feeling as if any second they'd pop then he full on dropped me. I tried to crawl away but he pulled on my hair accidentally ripping out some of my hair.

"Sorry babe but I have to punish you, expecially for flirting with my brother. You think I like it rough he'll destroy you." I deserve this. I repeated in my head. He forced his cock into my asshole even as it bled. "Blood turns me on. Push harder against me more blood will come out." He doesn't want to hurt me I've been bad. I moaned out acting as if I enjoyed it hoping it would make him stop but instead it just made it worse. He thrusted faster and faster my body covered in sweat and I looked down and saw the sheets soiled with a black red liquid. It's not mine I repeated. If I knew that blood was mine I would freak out it can't be mine. He loves me I continued to repeat. After so long I couldn't feel it anymore it was as if I was someone else. I was thankful for it. He only got up once and that was to inject himself with something. He came back and continued raping my limp, defenseless, and torn body over and over again. He only stopped once I was covered in his semen. I didn't cry as he shaved my head so no one would know he pulled out my hair. Nor did I cry when he stopped me from bleeding magically and changed the seats. I didn't cry a single tear anymore. Not even as he then again laid beside me and whispered in my ear that he loved me because I am not me I am his and his only. He loves me and that's all that matters. I am his I am not me I belong to him.

When I woke the next morning I stared lovingly into Marshalls eyes. He responded with kissing my forehead. Then he grabbed my hand in my hand I felt something hard and rectangular looking down I saw a canadian ID along with a student ID for the school down the street. "A present for you I know how much you wanted to continue with your studies and become a writer. I would love to read everything you write my sweet, every fleck of your pen." He kissed me again and I smiled. I didn't feel like running anymore he loved me and that's all that mattered. He even proved he loved me by taking me out to get new clothing ones that looked more formal and in my opinion costly. Each shirt costing around $45 dollars but I never asked where the money came from because it didn't matter all that mattered was I loved him. He let me spread my wings and fly. When we arrived home Marshall headed to his bedroom alone tonight and I went to my room to sleep.

After lying in bed for an hour or so trying to sleep I took a shower thinking that the water would put me to sleep. Unusually it didn't and I sat awake in the shower wondering about life in America and how my parents were doing they were always so loose with me and I missed them so much. Sighing I got out getting in underwear and a robe and walked to Marshalls room. He was asleep when I walked in his face lit with the light of the laptop still on his bed. Quietly I climbed into bed shutting the laptop, putting it on the nightstand and laid there watching Marshall as he slept. He looked so peaceful I wanted to reach out and caress his cheek but I know he'd wake from that so I stared. Sooner or later I fell asleep.

The rain fell lightly that day the sun lighting the path before me. I took a step then another. Soon I was lead to an opening that held various fruits. I went to reach for one a hand touched mine. When I looked up it was Nico, He didn't say anything except for taking my hand and shaking his head. Behind me I felt a dark force followed by a pair of arms embracing me ones I've known too well Marshalls. He took my hand and placed it back on the fruit. 'I am yours I submit to you.' With that I grabbed the fruit I took a bite out the fruit tasted sweet but as I looked down at it the fruit molded and worms started to come out of it and my mouth started to spill out snakes. Before I woke all I could hear Nico in my ear 'Trust me one last time.' I didn't. I would never listen to his voice again because I caused him so much agony. I began to improve in health and I saw Nico fall as I had to die and become a part of the earth.

I woke screaming waking up Marshall, Marshall went to grab me to make me go back to sleep and I slapped him across the face. He sat there in shock and didn't say anything. I ran out of bed almost tripping on the sheets fearing the result of what I had just done. Seeing that Kevin was in the living room watching T.V. I walked in cautioniously and sat on the couch opposite of him. I didn't meet eye contact but Kevin tried to engage him in conversation. "What are you doing out of the room without Marshall?" 'I miss him but I just hit him so I don't want to go back' "Okay then I don't mean to sound controlling it's just unusual for you." Kevin began to walk over to Damion examining his pants. "Is that blood?" Damion pushed Kevin away.

"He loves me" Kevin didn't question me but instead gave me some white pills. Examining them they didn't seem odd so I took them and without warning I fell asleep.

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