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We follow Vladimir until we reached a large staircase going upwards. The walk was silent, no one bothering to do anything else but keep on walking, It was dark and cold, but it got cooler as we got further up. A large door was at the top, and Vladimir pushes it open, letting light flood in. "So, how exactly do you know the secret passages down here?" Gabriel asks, looking at Vladimir with questioning eyes. The dark haired male in front of us chuckles, "Had enough years to figure the tunneling, quite easy I must say." he state casually, before the four of us walk through. The upstairs part wasn't underground, the natural light was streaming in from the many windows around us, the light continued down a very long corridor. Vladimir's green eyes seemed to darken, watching up the corridor. Someone stood there, walking towards us slowly, their steps seemed calculated, like every step was counted. "Hello Father." the voice echoes down to us, bouncing along the walls, a dark sinister voice. Vladimir tenses at it, "Did you miss me in your solitude?"
I step back a bit, pulling  Mikhail and Gabe back too, this is Vladimir's fight, and I don't want to get involved in their business. Though, Mikhail protested, he had no choice but to watch on.
"You are my son, despite what you did. I love you no less." Vladimir says, his voice holding a calm anger. The dark haired male smirks at Vladimir, shaking his head. "I never wanted this, I never asked to be born as I am, to be looked down upon. To be pitied." He says angrily, a fire lighting in his eyes, "Like I told you so many years ago Logan, this is not the way." Vladimir answers "Give up your ambitions now, and we can deal with this in a more civil manner."

I sit on the porch, drumming my fingers in an attempt to keep my nerves at bay. I'd been told that Rafael and the others were coming back, all safe and none injured. Tori had been the first to tell me, and waited on the porch as well. Aunt Raven had been spoken to, thankfully by Elizabeth, telling her that it was absolutely important that she kept this situation quiet. Though scared, and confused and a little upset that I said nothing, she said she would, and I told her that she'd see me after all is done. Tori gets up quickly, startling me, I was just getting into a daydream staring at a leaf. "They're back," she says, running of the porch and into the arms of Mikhail. Rafael and Gabriel coming out behind him, Rafael walking straight towards me. "Hey," he says casually, smiling at me. "Hello," I laugh as he pulls her into a tight hug.
Lucian and Elizabeth comes out of the house a while after, Elizabeth smiling at everyone. "Remind me never again to send this lot on a rescue mission. They take too long." Lucian mutters, causing Elizabeth to nudge him with her elbow.
After everything, As we've all been told, Logan had been locked up for his crimes, though others are calling for his execution. But Vladimir refuses, rather letting him spend his years in the dungeons. And everything had been set to it's right order. And, Vladimir sends his regards.
"Thanks again. For everything," I say, pulling Tori in for a hug, the shorter girl smiling widely. "Of course, you're family and I'd kill for you." she says, pulling away. I smile, chuckling lightly, after saying my goodbyes to everyone, Rafael takes her hand, gently pulling her away from them. Going through a forest path she didn't recognize.
"Well wasn't that a crazy adventure." Rafael chuckles, looking down at me, a happy glint in his blue eyes. I smile back, looking down at the ground, watching my sneakers crunch down on dry twigs and leaves. "Yeah, I suppose."
When we home, I don't think I had ever seen my aunt so happy. Hugging me like there was no tomorrow, "Thank goodness your alright!" she says, still not letting go. "Yeah, I'm fine,alive and home safely."

Hi guys, sorry for the long wait. So, this is the last chapter, yes, it's over. I intended for way note conflict in this chapter, between Vladimir and Logan, but writer's block wouldn't have it. So, we've finished, finally come to an end, I know, this was rushed through, that's also why it's so short and not very well written, but I wanted it done so I could post it and have it over with.
But, there is a bonus chapter that will be posted sometime soon. But for now, Wolf's Mate is officially completed.
I wanna thank you all, for reading, voting and your lovely comments. For sticking with me through my rubbish, Thank you all. You guys hold a special place in my heart, for believing in me.
So thank you, so much.
You lot, stay sweet ❤❤

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