
400 39 3

Edited 18/10/2016


"Thanks Nessa," I say, taking up the tray of food a customer ordered. Turning around I stop short, Stephanie stood behind me, smiling. "Hey there Scarlet," she says sweetly, with a smile I know is fake. I smile back at her, trying my best not to scowl at the girl, "So I see you've enjoyed your weekend, Rafael hasn't come to see you yet huh?"
"That isn't any of your business," I say as calmly as I can, peering around her slightly, the man who ordered wasn't looking over, just staring out the window. Looking back to Stephanie, her brown eyes twinkling with mischief. "Now if you don't mind Stephanie," I start, saying her name with annoyance, much like the way she'd say mine. "I have a job to do, and my customer is waiting. Wouldn't want your father to know that you're holding up his business right?" smiling a sweet smile, I walk around her and over to the table where the guy was sitting. Well aware of Stephanie's eyes burning into my back.
"Here you go, sorry it took a while," I say, taking the contents from the tray and placing them on the table in front if him. "Not to worry," he replies, his eyes trailing up to meet mine, a glitter of familiarity strikes me. He's familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen him. Dark hair, dark blue eyes, almost like--
"Rafael," I say softly to myself, realizing that he was the guy who got Rafael to let me go that day. I don't know his name though.
He looks at me curiously, "Oh, you're that girl," he says, giving me a half smile, his eyes telling me he's not exactly happy to see me. "Ah, yes."
He looks away from me, focusing on his food, but the clenching of his fist didn't go unnoticed. I give a smile, walking to another customer.


I had the feeling, no, I just knew, that this girl would be the reason he leaves the house so often. His scent is all over her, in fact she reeks of it, of course I don't blame the girl, Scarlet I think her name is. But, it's only a matter of time, if the council is made aware of this, it will all be held over my head for allowing it to continue. A crime like this, high treason, and could only end badly for everyone.
Sighing as I walk, I light the cigarette that I was holding between my fingers for sometime now. Pulling it in and allowing the smoke to fill my lungs, before exhaling.
It was only a short while until I get back to the house, "You know, if you keep smoking like that, eventually it's gonna lead you to nowhere but six feet,"
"Yes, but it's different for our species isn't it," I turn to face Elizabeth, who was smirking at me, I smirk back. "Not exactly, we still get the cold don't we, why would it be any different for nicotine," I give up, throwing up my hands in surrender, dropping it to the forest floor. Getting ready to walk away, the insistent female stops me, "Alpha, you know, if you leave it alit it could start a forest fire, it's almost autumn. And that could result in habitat loss, not to mention the house," I sigh, not looking at her, but instead keep walking, "if it means so much for you flower, step on it yourself," I wave Lizzie off, continuing on the path to home.
I knock on Rafael's door, waiting for him to answer, he opens the door, looking surprised to see me. "Oh hey, what's up?" he asks, opening the door as he steps back, I lean against the door frame, something I normally do when I talk to him. "I know it isn't my place to ask, but honestly I don't care,"
"And what exactly are you asking?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at me.
"About that girlfriend of yours," I watch as his eyes widen in shock. "That's all I'm saying to you,"

Hey! I hope you guys are doin alright, and school's treating you good. So, as you see, I'm speeding up the process with Elizabeth and Lucian... Kind of letting them get to know each other better. So, update on both books, yay. Finally able to get this up, sorry for the wait.
You guys stay sweet yeah? ❤

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