
810 52 1

Edited 2/06/2016


"And what was your reason of stopping me?" I ask, looking at my cousin with scowl. My cigarette hanging loosely between my lips.

He looks back at me, "You we're not to stop her in the first place, coming intact with humans risks our spices," he says angrily, again trying to drill that into my head. Its not like I wanted to do that, I never would've grabbed her in the first place, it's just...like I was drawn to her in a way. He grabs my shoulder roughly, growling lowly. His eyes, holding a dangerous glint, "I'm aware of that Lucian," I bite out harshly, pulling away from him.

Lucian stared, it was obvious that he didn't like my tone, His brother Mikhail, steps between us, putting out his hands to create space. "Look, this is not the place to start an argument," he says, gesturing to the few people who stood around, stopping to stare at the group of us.

I brush his hand away, throwing my cigarette on the ground, walking away without a word.
I keep on walking until I see familiar red hair, the girl from earlier. Walking to the library, Watching as she took her time to walk up the stairs.
I chuckle to myself, the library is closed, I consider telling her, but I decided against it. And continue walking.


Well, this was completely disappointing, the library doors were shut closed and locked, I sigh, this Is absolutely ridiculous, who locks the library on a week day? Okay, who locks it at all?!

With another sigh, I turn and decide to go back home, walking towards me, was the guy from earlier, his face showing anger.


Closing the door I see that Aunt Raven was up and moving about, sweeping the tiled floor, her brown hair in a bun. The apron she wore was stained with a few things, telling me that she was previously in the kitchen. She looks up as I walk into the living room. "You're back early, I expected you so stay at least a few hours," she says, dark eyebrows raised in surprise, as she pass the broom behind the deep brown couch.
Its strange, though my room never changed, much of the house did. Since I'd last been her with mom, Aunt Raven had the kitchen expanded, and a furniture changed, and even had tiles placed.
"Well the library was closed, they're probably fixing something," I answer with a shrug, pulling off my beanie, messing up my hair in the process. It'll be best not to tell her about my run in with the group of guys today, because knowing her, it won't end nice.
"Ah,that's probably it, did you enjoy the walk...it's quite a way," she chuckles, propping the broom in the corner next to the television. I nod, "it was interesting," I answer honestly, raking my hand through my red hair in attempt to smoothen out the tangles that had formed.

Aunt Raven let's out a loud sigh, "If you like, you can go tomorrow -Oh, I made some sandwiches, want one?" she asks, walking to the kitchen, dusting off her hands. I nod, I am feeling a little hungry, I nod, "Just one please," she hands me a cheese sandwich, I bite into it, jumping onto the counter. Aunt Raven eyes me but doesn't say anything, "How are you feeling?" she asks sadly, knowing what she is taking about, I look to the floor. "Fine I suppose, I mean, it's not the first time I've lost someone," I answer, letting my red hair shield my face. She sighs, letting her hand fall on my shoulder sympathetically, "I know it hurts okay, if you ever want to talk about it, because I know you won't open up to me right now. But I'm always here,"
Hey! Finally finished! Yes...so this was kind of "rewritten" you could say...I hope you liked it.
Love, dani ❤ sorry for any mistakes though 😁

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