
525 43 4

Edited 24/07/ 2016 .

"So, how are you and Rafael going?" Kate giggles, watching my reaction. It was the weekend, finally. After two weeks of working, Friday evenings are pure joy, filled with relaxing and talking about nonsensical things. Since, Rafael and I have been spending more time together (When I can during breaks) and that's why Kate is bringing up the topic right now, during our supposedly relaxing sleep over. "What... We aren't doing anything Kate. We just talked a bit is all," She smiles, raising eyebrows, fiddling with the straw in her smoothly cup which took a good hour to make right, none of us having actually make one before, it came out right after a few bad attempts "Yeah sure. 'A bit' that sums up everyday for the past two weeks," I sigh, hanging my head, "Shut up," I chuckle.
"We agreed to relax tonight. And thinking about him does not make me relax,"
She smiles, grey eyes flashing mischievously. "Think about, this then," brushing back her blond hair, "Scarlet De La Cruz, it's got a nice ring to it," she says dramatically, beaming at me . "Shut up!" i say as my face heats up, laughing she picks up the remote that was next to a book she reading not to long ago. Switching on the tv, "Don't tell me you haven't thought about that,"
"Nope, hadn't crossed my mind. Not once, we're not even dating " putting up both my hands and a serious face. "It's alright. Go ahead and lie to your best friend," Kate says pointedly, narrowing her eyes. During the past few weeks, Kate and I have became very close. "I'm not, I swear. why would I even lie to you about that"
"Alright, I'll take your word for it. But if-" she gets cut off as the door to her bedroom swings open, her sister holds up a few movies in her hand. "I brought movies," she sings out, ignoring the look Kate was giving her.
"Sophie, you can't just barge in here like that," Kate scolds her younger sister, watching as she cross the room to sit next to me. She shrugs, placing the movies down, I pick them up, seeing the first casing. "The ring?" I hate horror films, especially the old ones with girls crawling out of a well. Sophie nods excitedly, "No." Kate states, taking up the other three and the one I had, tossing them on her bed. "What are you even doing up? last I checked you have school in the morning, and it's already ten thirty,"
"Oh come on. Please, just this once?" the dark haired girl begs, pouting, I look at Kate, seeing the 'No way' look on her face, I interject.
"Come on Kate, let her. What's an hour or two," I say, throwing my arm over the younger girl's shoulders, pouting for effect.
Looking at me, Kate rolls her eyes, "Fine. But we're not watching any horror films, you won't be able to sleep after that," she says pushing the movies away from her. "So go find a cartoon or something," she waves her away, "I'll go make the popcorn," I says chuckling, getting up, I fix the top of my purple PJ's, I walk downstairs to the kitchen.
Searching through the cupboards for the popcorn, I was startled as the door bell rung. "I'll get it," I says, seeing Kate and Sophie already halfway down the staircase. Did she invite someone else? That'd be good, I don't think Kate would allow Sophie to stay up after her movie. Opening the door, it took me a good while to figure out who was standing there. I quickly shut it without question, turning around I swiftly walk back to Kate. "Why the hell is he here?" I whisper harshly, watching as she smile sheepishly. "Well, you know. He said he wanted to ask you something, you we're off on Thursday he he didn't come by today. So I told him about our sleep over and that he could pass by," she explains, tugging on hair, giving me a nervous smile. Sighing, I let my head fall, "Alright. I'll talk to him," taking a breath, I turn around and walk back to the door, slowly opening it. I was surprised to see him sitting on the porch. "Hey,"
"Hey," he answers, tearing his eyes away from the night sky to look at me. Sitting next to him, he smiles at me, "Sorry about that. I just didn't expect to see you," I say, playing with my fingers nervously, I've never gotten used to him being around him. "That's understandable, I expected you to cone back anyway," I chuckle, looking up at the stars, watching as they twinkle. So far away, it's weird, how they look so close to us from here, but up where they really are, they're so far away from each other. "Nice night right?" I ask, attempting to make small talk, he looks back up, we watch as a star shoot across the sky.
"My father and I used to star gaze a lot when I was a kid,"
I nod, watching him smile at the memory.
"It's one of my many memories of him,"
"You mean......"
I stop, realizing what he was getting at, looking down at my feet, "Yeah, I don't talk about it,"
"Right," I say "Sorry," moving my red hair behind my ear. He chuckles, pulling back the sleeve of his leather jacket, he looks at the watch on his wrist "Oh, look at the time. Well, I don't want to crash your chick thing, so I'll be off," he says getting up, I get up too, ready to go back inside "Hey, I wanted to ask you, are you free tomorrow?"
I nod, giggling at his nervous state, "Are you asking me out?"
"Maybe," he smiles, scratching his neck, "Yeah, if you're free in the morning, it's just for coffee,"
"Yeah sure," i say calmly, though on the inside I'm totally freaking out. Nodding, he dusts off his pants, saying good night to me, he leaves, up the sidewalk and out if sight.
Going inside, I smile seeing, Kate and Sophie run up stairs. "Saw you," I laugh, walking up after them. "Wow, spying huh," Kate smiles leaning up against the railing, "that's my job now so, yes. And weren't you the one who said that you two weren't dating?"
"It's just coffee Kate, don't get over excited,"


alright, so this was kind of rushed, sorry about that. So guys, I wanna suggest a book for you guys, if you're into magic and fantasy, especially in books. Then you need to check out Aethernea : Soul bound its real good, you guys should check it out it's by @Cloe D Frost its really awesome.. .so yeah that's all for now, I'll see you guys in the next update. ;)

orry for any grammatical errors! Love yas! ❤❤

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