musickidmickey's Q N A

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HEY I posted an question thingy last post....
So I got a few questions.. xD

What would your super hero title be?
Okay xD.. I've never really thought about it...him..I'd go with zip-zap (LOl) the power of teleportation will be mine xD.

How would describe yourself?
hmm, just...weird.

Isn't Scar's aunt worried about her?
Well yes of course...I just haven't found a way to fit it in yet (......-.- I'm a baka.....)

Who would win the fight between Tori and Stephanie?
Honestly... I have no idea yet....

Will Lucian help out?
That will be revealed soon...

So hi..thanks for all your questions to me. They we're all good ones...yes Jaffa...yours too.
So..until the next update.
Stay awesome ♥♥

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