
247 28 19

Edited 28/01/2017

(thirty minutes before his confrontation with Anthony and the boys)

I chat idly with the blonde girl next to me, narrowing my eyes as we spoke quietly. Regarding the human girl, Scarlet, who was ushered out of the room by Anthony an hour ago. That seemed like the only likable topic floating around in here anyway.
I am unsure if Logan would be fine with the higher council making decisions without him being here, considering he wanted to deal with this on his own. But thankfully, he was being kept occupied. The poor girl probably would've been killed on the spot.
The air around us tenses as the man himself comes into the room, glaring at everyone. His eyes filled with malice as he moves across the room and into the vacant chair with the high council. No one spoke, they knew better than to speak out of turn.
He puts his fingers to his temples, sighing in frustration.
"Right." he says, his voice low, his brown eyes trail across the room, watching everybody carefully. "We all know the circumstances here. Though the girl was to be dealt with upon my return." he glares to the man next to him, and I study the younger male with a smirk, obviously he is angry about the whole ordeal, but he wouldn't deny the fact that he is scared. With Vladimir now out, it was only going to be a short while before he makes his way up here.
"And yes. I am aware that Vladimir has gotten out of his cell." he mutters and turn his eyes on a younger male who was seated not far from him. His hand was raised, nodding his head he let's him speak. "If you are aware of his getting out, then you are aware of his strength. It will only be a matter of time before he reaches the higher leve--" the boy was unable to finish his sentence, Logan having reaching him in a blink, his hand around the boy's throat, "Are you underestimating me? You will do well to watch your tongue." he snares, the boy shakes his head as little as he could within Logan's grip. His eyes pleading for him to let go. He lets go and steps back. I tut quietly, and he looks at me, "You know where they are, and I refuse to get my hands dirty so go deal with it."
I get up with a bright smile plastered on my face, "Why of course,"


I stand next to Scarlet, my arm firmly around her waist. I look down at her, "I'm sure you don't want to stay here any longer than you have to. So I'm sending you out, just wait for me." I say quietly, smiling at her, "What? no... I'm gonna help." she counters, I ignore her, calling the large wolf over, the creature takes big steps towards us, "Can I trust you?" I ask, and she gives a grunt in reply, turning  to Scarlet, I lift her like she weighed nothing. Putting her on the back of the wolf, once again ignoring the girl's complaints to stay behind. Best way to keep them out of trouble is to send them both off, whatever else happens we can deal with it. I can't do this and worry about her at the same time.
"Good, you know the way, take her." I says chuckling at Scarlet's unsure look, "Don't worry Kitten, it's just like riding a motorcycle. Hold tight." As I say my last words, the she wolf takes off, and Scarlet turns around, "This is nothing like a motorcycle!" Vladimir's chuckle catches my attention, causing me to look his way. "You two haven't made the bond have you?"
I shake his head. Though the thought did cross my mind once or twice, I wanted to make sure that Scarlet was comfortable around me and not push her into it. "I see, you won't be able to get through to her through the mind link. Well for the girl's sake, I will make sure you don't die down here." he says, more to himself than anything, "With all the things that might just occur, that would be useful."
"What things?" Gabriel asks, a serious tone I had never gotten used to, sometimes Gabe was just too playful and carefree to ever be serious. "He is planning to over throw the Wolf packs in this area, even the one that is so devoted to him. His plan is to rule everything his way, but he has to understand that even rules has rules." Vladimir answers, looking between the three of them. "And you know this how?" Mikhail asks, The dark haired male smirks, "I hear everything, even from the lower levels. My son is a little troubled. Blinded by those he clung so dearly to as a child."
"Your son? Wait. You're Vladimir aren't you. The first werewolf to have a human mate," Gabriel says, looking to the both of us, catching our confused expressions. "Honestly don't you two read?" he scoffs, rolling his eyes at us. "Years ago, a werewolf and a human became mates. Though Vladimir was apart of the higher council, it was frowned upon. They said that it will only taint the species, and they would not accept a half blood. But they waited until the child was born, and they killed the girl. When he was fifteen, he gave an order to have his father locked away, the council had the boy brainwashed during his upbringing, filling his head with the wrong sorts of things, thinking that one day he would make the right decisions. His decisions only led to war and bloodshed. That was how the eclipse pack was wiped out. Chaos is his order"
He explains, while both Mikhail and I stared in shock. "Vladimir was a good friend of our old man, and yours."
"You know your history. That's good to know." Vladimir comments, raising his eyebrow at Gabriel, Mikhail and I look at each other, wondering how he knew of this and we didn't.
"Anyway, before something unnecessary happens, I suggest we get up to the higher levels." Vladimir speaks up, walking past us.



The wind whips my hair around my face, I had no idea where Tori was going, and I was panicking at the thought of something going wrong. "Tori! You have to go back." I say, as she in her wolf form dash through the trees, practically ignoring me. "Scarlet There's a reason he wanted you out. Rafael wants to make sure that you're safe, so I'm taking you to the house until I'm told otherwise."


I sit in my study, lost in my thoughts yet again. I had just received word on what was happening, and also why those four are taking so long, just to get the girl and leave. Now that a rescue mission turned into an 'Operation shut down.'
Mikhail had contacted me, a while ago, telling me what went down. So far, they've sent the girl off, and Vladimir is now walking around the place. Mikhail said that Logan, is planning to run through my pack. He's planning to take over everything.
I get up, running a hand through my hair, I walk over to the window that gave me a good view on the surrounding area. I don't often let things get to my head, but this is troublesome, I have absolute faith in my pack, and I don't doubt anyone's ability to fight. But there's no way they're  ready for this.
"Hey you." looking over my shoulder, I find the own of the voice standing at the doorway. "You worry too much you know."
Elizabeth says, closing the door behind herself. "We both know that they're not ready to fight this. Especially with Night shadow working with the council, they're gonna attack us head on."
Elizabeth sighs, wrapping her arms around my torso, the comfort of her doing so makes relax. Turing to hug her properly, "I told you not to worry." she mutters, her voice muffled by my shirt. "I can and I will." I answer firmly, feeling Elizabeth chuckle as she pulls back. "Lucian, the pack will be fine, everything will be fine." Her brown eyes turns to focus outside the window, "It's Tori." A minute later, the two of us were outside, Elizabeth helping the redhead off the she wolf. "Are you alright?" Elizabeth asks the girl, she looked shaken up and out of breath, but she nods slowly.
"Get her to Mason."

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