
893 52 5

Edited 31/05/2016


The next morning I was down in the kitchen early, planning to visit the library, just to see if it's interesting enough for me to go back. Aunt Raven was still sleeping in, so I made breakfast for her as well, considering that she'd do the same for me.

After, I write a little note telling her where I'm going, and that'll I'd be back soon, since I really have no where to go after this.
Walking up to my room, I chance out of my sleep wear, I don't think it's wise to walk there in such clothing.

Chuckling to myself, I pull my suitcase over to me, where I was sitting on the bed, taking out the grey skinny jeans and the long sleeve tee, I dig through for my Beanie.
"Where's that darn thing..."
My door open after a knock, wide enough for my aunt to poke her head in. "You heading out love?" she asks walking in, looking at me with sleepy eyes. I nod, "yeah, just down to check the library," I say, still digging through my suitcase. "Ah-ha, found it!" i say pulling the gray beanie out. "Glad to that you're settling," I nod, smiling at her.

"I made you breakfast, it's on the counter," I say, pulling my pants on, she nods thankfully, "Ah yes, I left some money for you, in case you see something you like while you're out,"


From what I could see, the library isn't far, just a few more blocks. I sigh as the warm sun and the walking made me sweat, pulling my hair away from my neck and over my shoulder to give my the back of my neck some air. I hear a laugh not too far from me, looking up I see a group of guys, not much older than myself.

They were all smoking, the two who seemed the eldest and the youngest of the group, had black hair, and the last, hair was a dark brown, and his blue eyes looked directly at me.

It was hard to look away, he had my eyes locked in an intense gaze. Only looking away when the eldest said something to him, in his ear. He pull away, leaving with a scowl on his face, looking at him with distaste.

Walking by, I didn't spare any of them a glance. A steel grip on my hand stops me, turning around I realize it was the guy that was staring at me.

"Whats your name?" he asks, blue eyes serious. Trying to pull my hand away was a task alone, he just wouldn't let go. His grip on my hand only tightened, and seemed to be getting angry at my lack of words at the moment.

"Calm down Rafael, let her go," the elder one speaks up, looking at 'Rafael' with somewhat angry eyes, his hand on his shoulder.

The guy I now know as Rafael, though reluctantly, let his hands fall to his side, pulling away.

"Go on," the guy said calmly, nodding towards me, before he and his group walked away.
Letting out the breath I was holding, feeling confused about the entire thing, I turn and continue walking.

Okay hello, so I finished this one, i hope its better than what i had originally, and that you guys liked it, it's still a bit short, sorry. I tried with this one to get it exactly how i want, xD and i just realized just how creepy Rafael is.
So anyway, thanks for reading!
Love ya.

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