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Mature content, strong language,
moderate violence

I call my mom to check on Harper and see when I need to pick her up. Before I know it, she's twisted everything around on me and has managed to get me to agree to let her stay another night.

"Mom, I can't be away from her for that long. She needs me." "Blake, she's four months old. She doesn't even know you're not here. Besides, she's not even five minutes away! Come see her today and let her stay another night, please? I treasure my time with her."


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"Okay...okay, mom. Cut the guilt trip she can stay. But I am coming to see her for a while this afternoon." "Why don't y'all stay for dinner? I'll cook a nice meal, it'll be great." How does she care for a baby and cook nice meals? She's sixty for crying out loud.

I'm not even thirty yet and I struggle with cooking anything other than a TV dinner sometimes. She always says it's because I work a full-time job as well while she has her time free, but whatever. All I know is that she's amazing.

"Sure mom. That sounds great. Ethan will probably skip though since he'll be working late. Gray will come though. You know he loves your cooking." "Ethan's providing for his family, Blake. Don't fault him for that." If only you knew mom.

"Sure. Well, I'm going to go. I'm meeting some friends for lunch. Hey, why don't you come along? Dad can watch Harper for a while and I know everyone misses you." "That's a great idea, hun. Pick me up on your way." "Okay! See you in a few!"

"That's a nice way to say he's fucking his co-worker." I jump before spinning around to see Grayson leaning against the door frame. "Stop doing that! You scared the shit outta me!" He grins while crossing the room to wrap his arms around me but stops when I don't push him away and slowly leans his face down to mine watching me carefully.

I grip the back of his neck and pull his lips against mine making him gasp which gives me the perfect opportunity to slip my tongue in his mouth. Groaning, he pushes me back against the wall kissing me hard while his hands roam over my body. Gripping his ribs I turn my head away to breathe, "I've got to go. Everyone is waiting for me."

He groans but steps back so I can walk around him. Almost at he door, he grabs my wrist, "Why didn't you stop me?" "What's the point? I'm not fighting for anything anymore." I walk out closing the door behind me.

"Blake!!!" "Whitney!!!" I run to her throwing my arms around her neck, "I haven't seen you in days!" "I know! It's too long! Let's never do that again!" "Deal," she laughs.

We talk every day but our schedules have been messed up the past week so we haven't worked together like usual. I'm off until after Christmas while she has to work the holiday so it will be another week before we get back to seeing each other regularly.

Everyone has managed to make it this morning so there are six of us sitting around the table laughing, swapping stories, and drinking Mimosas. The conversation flows effortlessly and there is so much noise that the restaurant closes the patio doors so the other guests won't be disturbed.

Push and Pull (E.D + G.D.)Where stories live. Discover now