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Mature content, strong language, mild violence

"Blake." I'm shaking slightly and I don't like it, "Stop," I mumble softly, trying to hold on to unconsciousness. Soft fingers slide slowly across my jaw before resting gently on my neck, "Blake."

With a muffled groan, I turn my head down away from the light and feel Ethan stiffen immediately, "Uh, Blake, don't do that." Realizing my mistake, I quickly turn my head back forward and look up at him with wide, apologetic eyes.

His cheeks are bright red, he's stiff as a board staring straight ahead, and I'm pretty sure he isn't breathing. "Sorry," I chuckle while trying not to move my head against the unmistakable bulge that has developed below it.

He glances down at me and after a deep breath, relaxes a little, "We stopped at a store. Do you want anything?" He moves his hand off my neck and I sit up, straightening my hair as he adjusts his jeans - a movement I choose to ignore. Grayson is leaning against the driver's side pumping gas and I can tell by his rigid posture he isn't happy, "Yeah; I need to use the restroom too."

He opens the door and steps out, stretching and I wait until he moves so I can step out behind him, "Where are we now?" "Still about two hours away. We stopped not long after you went to sleep."

Turning to face me left little room between us and I try to ignore the way he's looking down at me while I stretch my arms out straight slipping them between his biceps and ribcage. He reaches up to rub his hands up and down my arms, feeling the chill bumps under my sleeves, "Do you want your jacket?"

I shake my head and grip onto his ribs for balance so I can flex my calf muscles. "Didn't take him long to get jealous, did it?" I whisper trying to change the subject and relieve some of the undeniable tension that's growing with each second that we stare at each other. "It never does," he murmurs, his voice purring seductively. Okay...I need to now!

I gently push him back and step past him so I can walk around to where Grayson is standing. "Hey babe!" I wrap my arms around his waist snuggling against his chest. "Hey," he answers without responding to my touch in any way. With a sigh, my arms drop, "You want anything from inside?"

"I'm good," he mutters without looking at me. "Okay." I sigh again turning to walk away when I feel his fingers close around my wrist, "Take Ethan with you." I look back at him then at Ethan who nods walking past me towards the store. Defeated and dejected, I slowly trail after him and look at the entrance for the first time.

There, by the door, are four guys; big, rowdy, dangerous looking guys - if 'guys' is even the right term. They're huge, body-builder types and I'm instantly uneasy. Reaching forward, I slip my hand into Ethan's and quicken my step to be beside him.

Briefly, I consider what Grayson will think of the embrace but hope desperately he'll understand my reasoning. Sensing my stress, Ethan squeezes my fingers gently and I lay my other hand on the inside of his elbow cringing into his side as we get closer to them.

"Maybe we can share her too," the closest one murmurs with a low whistle while the others laugh, "I get first dibs." Ethan tenses in response to his words but I tighten my grip on his arm hoping he'll ignore their remarks.

They look big to my five-foot-seven frame but as we get closer I can't help noticing they aren't bigger than Ethan; neither in height nor muscle, although, this revelation does little to help me relax. One of the guys winks at me and I gulp digging my fingers into Ethan's arm earning a smirk from the stranger.

He pushes me slightly behind him and continues walking without giving them a second glance as we pass. Once safely inside, I head straight to the restroom to freshen up. Afterward, I walk out and scan the snack options, choosing a few bags of chips and two bottles of water.

Push and Pull (E.D + G.D.)Where stories live. Discover now