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Mature content, strong language, mild violence

I slowly walk around the side and find Grayson pumping gas like he's been with me all along. How did he find me? I don't speak; for the first time in our relationship, I don't want to talk to him so I walk back around and climb into the back seat.

He gets in looking at the empty seat beside him with a sigh. Why can't he see I need to be alone right now? I stare out my window as we ride in silence but I know his eyes are on me.

We stop and he hops out coming around to open my door for me. Finding me crawling across the seat to the other side when he opens it, he reaches in and yanks me against his chest.

I slide out with a wince but I'm not worried about the pain; I'm worried about the fact that we're standing outside the restaurant where Tyler works. Peering through the glass, I see him at a table taking someone's order and start to climb back into the seat again only to be grabbed by my waist and pulled out again.

I yelp causing him to give me a confused look but I act like it was nothing and he finally turns back to the restaurant releasing me from his stare. "Please don't do this," I beg but he just pulls me forward as he walks inside.

Tyler's eyes widen as he takes in Grayson then narrow when he sees how he's holding my wrist

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Tyler's eyes widen as he takes in Grayson then narrow when he sees how he's holding my wrist. I'm not even trying to pull away and he's holding me so tight my hand's turning white; it'll bruise for sure. He's bruised me everywhere else, I think sadly.

He pulls me into the same booth I had shared with Tyler and I wonder idly if he knows it's the same one or if it's just coincidence. I stare at the table twisting my fingers in my lap wishing the floor would open so I could fall into it, "Hi," Tyler greets me shyly but when I don't look at him he turns to Grayson, "What can I get you?"

"Well for starters you can delete my girlfriend's number from your phone and you can delete the picture she sent you as well." "Yeah, okay. No problem." He takes his phone out and deletes everything as I continue to stare at the table.

"Now you can bring me a burger." "Okay...Blake?" "Don't talk to her," he threatens his voice making me flinch. I can feel the anger rolling off of him and it makes me hate him.

Tyler walks away without another word and Grayson speaks to me for the first time since he beat me, "Now that I've solved that problem, what am I going to do with you?" I look up with teary eyes, "You've done enough." "This?" he questions raising his brows.

I shake my head and am about to speak when he cuts in, " mean last night?"

I suck in a deep breath ignoring the stinging pain, "You remember last night?" He shakes his head a few times before answering, "Ethan said I yelled at you and shoved you around by the sound of it. He said he heard you scream for him but passed out right after that."

Push and Pull (E.D + G.D.)Where stories live. Discover now