Breaking up

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Hi guys, thank you soooo much if you are reading this chapter. Please vote and comment what books you write and what it's about and I'll read it if I'm interested. As always.....thank you xxx


Hermione's POV

I was so scared.

"Hermione, Ginny, shouldn't you be in class?"

"Hermione needs a-"

"Say no more. I'll handle this. Hermione, are you alright dear?" Madame Pomfrey asked without looking at me properly.


"Don't worry, we'll get you sorted out soon enough." Then, she looked at me after laying the bed out. She gasped shockingly. "Hermione dear, why do you look so pale?"

"I uh just came out of class and we were reading our tea leaves. Mine was apparently bad but Madame Magistrates wouldn't tell me what it is. She said I needed a check-up."

"Ok, thank you Ginny dear for bringing her here. Class has almost ended so you may stay here. Miss Granger dear, would you like to lay on the bed for me?" I said nothing, but simply climbed up onto the prepared bed and lied down. "Ok, let's see what the matter is."

She started to cast all these spells and charms on me. Nearly all of them I knew, of course. I closed my eyes and gasped for breath after the last one; it was a very painful and powerful one. She gasped suddenly the same way Madame Magistrates did.


"V what?"

"Voldemort." We all gasped at that word.

"But it couldn't be he-"

"It is true my dear. I am afraid to tell you this but you have dark magic inside of you-"

"But Hermione is as good as gold!" Ginny exclaimed.

"I'm afraid she does have dark magic. Dark magic that cannot be controlled or removed except after a year's treatment-"

"A YEAR?!!"

"Yes, a year. You might miss some classes and that might be devastating for you, but nothing else can be done. We must inform professor McGonogall about this immediately. You may have your lunch, but must return straight after, missing your next class. We will tell them about this so you have nothing to worry about."

"But how could this have happened?"

"Um... I am not so sure miss Granger, but may I ask? Have you destroyed any of Voldemort's horcruxes?"


"Oh now I know the reason." I cried knowing what had happened; some of Voldemort has gone inside of me after I destroyed the horcrux during the battle.

"Ginny, I hadn't been able to sleep for the last week is because I have had Voldemort in my mind shouting the killing curse 'Avada Kadrava' in my mind again and again..... it hurts!" I cried again.

"Oh Hermione, I am so sorry I haven't been there for-"

"No Ginny! You have! You always have!" At precisely that moment, Ron came storming in at a very bad time.

"What's happened? I want to know every little detail!"

"Mr Weasley, I am afraid you will have to leave," said Madame Pomfrey. "Hermione needs time to rest."

"No! I am her boyfriend and she is my girlfriend!"

"Whether you are her boyfriend or not you mus-"

"Ronald Weasley! I do not want to be your girlfriend and you are not my boyfriend! You are not my boyfriend now nor will you ever be!"

"You have no idea what you are saying, young lady!"

"Actually, I do. i know it."

He shook his head in disbelief and chuckled annoyingly. Not long after, he started to raise his wand and point it at Madame Pomfrey. Ginny and I knew he was going to, so we had already sent him flying across the room.

"Stupefy!" He was bleeding. Ginny felt good. I didn't feel good enough, so I did a Cruatio Curse at him. Now I felt good!

Thank you for reading

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