Telling Draco

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Author's note: Hey everyone xx how have you been? I've been working on this book for absolutely ages now so I plan on finishing it soon, and I have great ideas for the ending. I actually plan on writing a fiction soon, which is exciting. Thanks for all the votes and follows. Don't forget to comment so you can tell me what you think. What's your prediction for the ending? xxx _lovingfanfics_

Ron's pov:

"Hermione!" I called out. She looked back and the ran off. I ran after her, faster than ever before.

"What do you want?!"

"People told me about what happened. Are you okay?"

"Ron, are you okay? You don't care about me. Why now?"

"I'm sorry. I really am. I wanted to apologise. I was so worried when I heard what happened."

"You want to apologise?"

"Yes I do. Please. I've found a new girl, who has changed me, for the better. She's made me realise that I don't take things for granted enough. Will you forgive me? I'll stay out of your way , I promise."

"I forgive you Ron."

"If you need anything just say."

"I will."

Seeing her made me realise that I did miss her. As a friend. I was glad though that I was able to carry on knowing that she didn't hold a grudge anymore. 

Draco's pov:

"Hermione, where have you been?" I asked.

"I was actuall-"

"You weren't in your room. Ginny, Harry and I checked to see but you weren't there."

"Yes, I was on my way to my room, but then I forgot that I had to check something in the library so I took a bit of a detour."

"Ginny looked in the library but said that you weren't there."

"Must have been wrong timings that's all." 

To be honest, I felt quite upset, knowing that Hermione was lying to me. After all, we were now a couple; she was supposed to trust me with everything. I would have respected any decision that she had made. Did this mean that she still didn't trust me?

"Hermione, let's sit," I prompted, gesturing to a bench. "You know that we're together now?"

I took her hands in mine.

"Yes, very much so"

"Well, as part of being a couple, we've got to learn to trust each other. Now, I'm not saying that you're lying, however, I do know that you're not being 100% honest with me. If there's anything you would like to say, please say it. If you're not ready, then I respect that, but please tell me if there's something that you're hiding and I have all the time in the world to listen when you're ready."


Hermione's pov:

"...I have all the time in the world to listen when you're ready."

I couldn't bear to look at him; he was so sweet and I wasn't being honest with him. I had to show him that I 100% trusted him now. Firstly, I gulped and prepared myself.

"Draco, I trust you. I trust you and I need you to not speak of this."

"Very well. Go ahead, love"

"Firstly, don't call me that, because I find that cheesy." We both chuckled together in response, and this gave me time to prepare myself for what I was about to tell him. "Okay, secondly, you know when I told you that I had fainted in a classroom for at least 7 hours?"


"Well I don't remember most of it, but an hour ago, I learnt that Pansy was also in there with me."

"Pansy? Hermione! What did she do to you?"

"I don't know, but she was also unconscious."

"That's weird," Draco stated.

"Yes, and apparently, she was as cold as ice. Amrose had to drag her out and only Slytherins know about this."

"Why don't I know about this?" Draco asked in shock.

"Really Draco?"

"Okay, I understand. Carry on."

"So she was also unconscious and I think it had something to do with getting Voldemort out of me."

"But why would she help you?" Draco wondered concerned. 

"That's the thing. I don't know."

"She wouldn't help you. She absolutely hates you."

"Yes, I know. But what I'm wondering is, how did I end up in the same room as her?"

"You hate her too. So obviously you would've left that room in the first 5 seconds."

"Yes I would have. But I was close to her when we were unconscious so that means that I would have walked up to her."

"So that means that you guys were having a conversation."

"Exactly. But were we arguing or were we having a mutual conversation?"

"I bet it was an argument and my girl won."

"Draco!" I exclaimed, whilst shoving his arm jokingly. "I appreciate the support, but take this seriously."

"Okay, sorry. Do you know anyone who witnessed any of this."

"Um... little Pete!" 


"You know.. Little Pete? Slytherin House? First year?"

"Oh yeah him. Rich parents. Told me to tutor him. Had to do it for a month."

"Yet you didn't remember him?"

"I said I had to tutor him. Not have fun with him. Of course I don't remember."

I replied sarcastically, "oh yeah, obviously."

"Be serious Hermione," he instructed jokingly, whilst saying it in my voice. 

"Excuse me! I don't sound like that. Anyway, I think you should talk to him. You know? Like man to man? Slytherin to Slytherin?"

"Okay, if you insist. Anything for you, my love," Draco said in a funny tone just to annoy me.

I laughed rather to hysterically. "Don't call me that!"

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