Lunch at the "human world"

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Hey guys xxx I don't know if you liked th eprevious chapter so please tell me what you thought of it and was the person Hermione bumped into who you expected it to be? Tell me in the comments. Thank you to those who voted, commented, added it to their reading lists/library or followed me. It means a lot...anyway, enjoy reading xxx


Ginny's pov:

"Hermione, where have you been?" I asked her as I saw her coming towards me.

"Sorry, I was just clearing my head."

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because of what happeed? you know..with Malfoy?"

"Oh yeah. I'm fine. I've put that behind me."

"You've put that behind you? why am I not convinced?"

"I don't know why you're not convinced. You should be." I was definitely not convinced. No on eca put something like that behind them; not even Hermione.

"Okay, but if you need anyone to talk to, I'll be right here."

"Thanks Ginny, but seriously. I'm fine. Oh yeah, whilst we're here, I need to tell you that I won't be joining you guys for lunch tomorrow."

"Whyyyy?" Who was she going to go on a lunch date with. There's bound to be someone, since she's for some reason "moved on".

"I'm just going to catch up with an old friend."

"An old friend? Well, shouldn't I join you? I am your friend after all."

"Yes but this is someone I really want to catch up with and I don't think you would really want to talk to hi-"


"Oh whoops. Did I say 'him'? I meant 'her'"

"No you didn't."

"Okay, you got me. It's a guy, but we're not dating or anything. Plus, we're just friends."

"Okay then if you say so, but make sure that he doesn't end up breaking your heart. You never know, you might end up in a relationship with him."

"Trust me. We won't. Besides, I still really like I mean.....Malfoy as a friend."

I couldn't help but grin. She still likes Malfoy and Harry had explained to me all that had happened. I fully trust Draco now.

"Okay. Don't worry. I won't tell a single soul that you just said that. I won't even tell my diary.'

"Thank you. I really appreciate that." Then she paused and I could see that she was thinking about something in her head. "Wait! You have a diary? Since when?"

"Since Harry inspired me to."

"Aww... Mrs Potter is writing a diary. That is so cute. Keep going. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Shhhhh, but yes I will see you tomorrow."

Before I even began to take my first step, Hermione put me to a halt.

"Oh yeah Ginny. Please don't tell anyone baout the lunch thing tomorrow. I promise I'll tell you who it is after I see how it gets on."

"Don't worry. Like I said, I won't tell a single soul or the diary."




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