the end

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Author's note: this is probably going to be the last chapter, hence the chapter name. It's such a cliché name but 'the end' in this case doesn't just mean the end to a story. I hope you enjoyed the last chapter. What do you guys think of Pansy? Thank you so much for all your support, the votes I receive, and follows. Also, I reply to some of my comments so make sure you also do that xxxx _lovingfanfics_

Pansy's pov:

I had killed my father.

I then heard the very voice I hated. Whenever it spoke, the headaches were becoming worse; in fact, I don't think they have a right to be classified as a headache. I had decided that headaches were friendly warnings to self that something was wrong with your body, but this was the complete opposite. These were torturous stabs in my mind, encouraging me to hurt other people. The voice then confirmed selfishly, 'Don't refer to your master as 'it' and yes you killed your father. Now live with it. It's not that much of a deal.'

'Not that much of a deal?'

''s about to get much worse,' Voldemort warned. 

'Oh great (!)'

From around the corner, I saw the shadows of 6 different people coming towards me. Instantly, I knew who they were. I mean who else walks around as a 6 in such a formation that if one was to destroy that formation, it was as though one would have defied every etiquette? And which other group consists of 3 boys and 3 girls? It was of course the well-known 6: Granger, Malfoy, Potter, Weasley, Lovegood and Longbottom. 

'Oh,' Voldemort chuckled passionately. 'We're now getting to the good bit.'

"PANSY! WHAT are YOU doing?" Draco demanded. That was when I realised that they probably found out about everything. 

"What do you mean?" I replied, trying to change the subject.

"Don't pretend like you don't know. I know that the Dark Lord himself is controlling you isn't he?"

"HE DOESN'T CONROL ME!" I exclaimed rather inappropriately. I just didn't want people thinking that I had no power over myself and that the Dark Lord was still the leader. "I made all of these decisions on my own. He was just there to guide me, giving me choices."

"Is that why you killed your father?"

"You know?"

"It's all over the daily prophet," Lovegood informed. 

'Excellent' Voldemort stated, happily.

"A witness saw what happened and took pictures," she continued.

'Task 2 of today: find and kill the witness,' Voldemort instructed.

"So everyone knows about this?" I asked, worriedly. 

"Yes," Granger replied. By now, I was absolutely worried. I didn't want people knowing that I killed my own father. After all, I was so ashamed by the occurrence that I swore to myself to never speak of it agin, but I guess I didn't have to; the Daily Prophet does spread news fast.

Voldemort then clouded my thoughts,'It's good that everyone knows, Pansy. So they are prepared for what's about to come next. Pansy as the Dark Lord.'

"GO AWAY!" I pleaded Voldemort, forgetting that everyone now heard this, but without explanation, they knew who I was speaking to.

Draco added, "Pansy, you must listen to your own personal conscience. If it was your normal self, would you have even killed your father? Pansy, a few days after the divorce, my father signed a contract where it was apparent that your parents were obliged to see each other every month and to have equal shares of the money. It was all their own decisions. This meant that they still loved each other, Pansy. "

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