lunch at the human world (part 3)

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Hermione's pov: 

"Right...this time, we don't have to go in a limo so let's just apparate," I suggested.

"As you wish."

"Here you go...London!"

"Ooh..exciting. I've only been here once and all I remember from my childhood (when I went here) was looking down from the London eye."

"How old were you?"

"6, but sadly, I can't come here with my parents anymore since they passed away 2 years later."

"That's tragic." After he talked about his parents, I knew there was something I had to do, but it was in the back of my mind. What was it? In an unladylike manner, I bang my head against my palm, hoping that I would remember it. After a few moments of head banging here and there, I finally remember and a loud gasp follows it. 

"Hermione, are you okay? What's wrong?" A worried look conveyed Cormac's face.

"Is it okay if we visit my parents later. I know they don't remember me, but I'll look at them from a distance just so that I can see how they are now."

"For sure. No problem."

"Thank you." 

Firstly, I took him round to see the Big Ben then the river Thames, followed by  a quick look to Buckingham palace, Downing street, China town and madame Tussauds. 

"I loved that. Thank you, Hermione. Do you want to see your parents now?"

"Only if you're sure it's alright."

"It's fine by me. You've already done me a big favour today anyway."

"What's that?"

"You pretended to be my girlfriend." We see that part in our mind and laugh in sync. "Okay, let's go now before it gets too dark."

Apparating, we arrived at the house I once lived in. With me waiting at the side, Cormac volunteers to knock. No one answered and I asked the neighbours where they were. 

Welma (an old lady who lived next door) gave me some information. "Hello young lady. Who are you looking for?"

"Mr and Mrs Granger, Welma."

"You know my name?" oh yes...I had forgotten the fact that she forgot who I was. If she had still remembered, she would have hugged me in an instant, questioning me where I had been.

"Just guessing."

"Great guess and I'm really sorry young lady, but you must have not been around here in a while, because so much has happened to their family."

"Such as?"

"Well, for starters, the couple had always said that they felt they were missing something; a child perhaps. They tried a few times to have one, but they were never able. A child would have brought a lot of peace to their family they said. I felt how much their house trembled from the inside as their bad aura started to be portrayed. I think it's all due to ageing. Every night, I would hear them fighting and when Mr Granger was away for work, I would be called over by Mrs Granger for some advice. She said she couldn't take it anymore, but she didn't know what to do. My advice was that they should seek help and counselling. Maybe get to know each other a bit better. She said that was good but they never had time to do it. Day by day, they grew apart and that's when they asked for divorce. They finally did-"


"Yep.. 2 years ago. Ms Granger carried on living in this house and Mr Granger lived far away. He still lives in London though. They were both growing increasingly stressed I heard and one day, Ms Granger was on her way back from work when she unfortunately, was involved in an accident and didn't make it. This happened last year."

Cormac suddenly grabbed my hand and calmed me down. I wasn't able to show the fact that I was distraught otherwise Welma would get too suspicious. 

"It's okay, " Cormac whispered. 

"Are you okay dear?" Welma asked.

"I'm fine. So do you know where Mr Granger lives?"

"Yes I do. Here's the address,"  Welma said, handing me a piece of paper with an address written on it. 

"Thank you. Take care of yourself Mrs Welma."

"Thank you dear. I will."

Without any sort of delay, we made our way to the address and I was beyond anxious. 

knock knock knock.

No one replied, so I peered through the window. There he was sitting on the couch. I don't think he heard me knock. Despite the fact that I wanted to meet him face to face, he looked so clouded in thoughts that I thought it was best to not disturb him, but watch him from a distance instead. Above me, a bird dropped a stone and it clattered on the window sill, making a loud sound. Cormac and I ducked to our very best before he managed to see us. I got back up when he had turned back round, but in the fair few milliseconds I had seen his face, he looked really old. Maybe it was because he had been so stressed recently. 

Even though, there was nothing happening in the window I was stood at, he kept turning round to look at the window. It gave me the impression that he was a paranoid person, but why this one window? There were many other windows he could have looked out from but it was only this one. Maybe he felt my presence. Opening his newspaper, he picked up his teacup, although a tragic thing followed this shortly. His hands lost grasp of the teacup and the whole thing smashed in pieces with the tea all over the floor. I wanted to help him, but how was I suppose to. I couldn't get in and I couldn't break in either. Like never before, I felt so helpless, standing outside watching someone take their last breaths. His eyes weakened, his lips pursed, his newspaper dropped and he looked at his hands mortified. A cold wash creeped up on his face and that's when his hands dropped to his face as if he had the world's biggest migraine. He fell to the floor and everything around him was just a blur...... I was a blur.

"Hermione, I'm really sorry but we must leave. Otherwise it will look like we killed him, they'll ask for your fingerprints and know that you're related to him."

I sobbed and my wretched helpless heart shrank inside of me. I was too distraught to even walk anymore.  The best day had turn into the worst day.... 

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