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Hi guys, thank you so much if you are reading this chapter. Also, please vote for me and read my other book.....thank you so much xxx


Hermione's POV:

We had just talked about our first class, which was sad and funny all at the same time. After realising what time it was, we all rushed and got changed getting ready for the first lesson. I was actually quite excited to see who the replacement teacher was going to be.

"Hermione," called Ginny.


"Come on, let's go otherwise we'll be late. Plus, I'm starving!"

At the top of the stairs, i could see that Harry and Ron were already waiting at the common room door for us.

"Come on! I am starving. Girls! Always slow at getting ready. We didn't even need to wait for them Harry." Harry nudged Ron hard signalling for him to shut up. How rude of Ron!! Ugggghhh! A painful tear crept up my eye and I had decided to not speak to Ron at all today. I decided to just simply ignore him.

Just as we came out of the Gryffindor common room, Ron bumped into Malfoy. Stupid Ron! Causing all the fuss!

"Watch where you're going Weasley!" Exclaimed Malfoy. Usually, I would be angry at Malfoy for insulting my useless boyfriend, but today, I was kind of glad that he bumped into Malfoy. He deserved it. "What, your smart girlfriend isn't here to stick up for you? Pffftt awwww did someone get into a bad fight today? Poor you Weasley!" Wow! Malfoy actually knew me well; more than my pathetic boyfriend.

"I don't need a pathetic girl to back me up. I'm a man." It hurt me so much to hear Ron say this. My fist tightened as I really wanted to punch right now. Not punch Malfoy but horrible Weasley!

Malfoy started to come closer like he was about to hurt us and we all raised our wands to defend ourselves. All, except me. Why wasn't I holding my wand up?

"Hermione, Hermione? Hermione!" Harry shouted.


"You forgot to raise your wand."

"Oh, right." I raised my wand and Malfoy started to back away then walked off. He chuckled to his mates, Crabb, Goyle, Pansy, and Blaise.

How I hated Slyth...Ron!

Ginny's POV:

We had just had that short fight with Malfoy and I knew something was up with Hermione; she had forgotten to raise her wand at one point. What forget it! She was probably just too nice....hopefully anyway!

When we knew Malfoy was surely to be out of sight, we ran to the great hall and our tummies were rumbling. We all had little to eat, but it was enough. I had a toad in the hole and the others well I'm not so sure what the others had, because I was too busy sticking my face in the toad in the hole; not literally!

As always, Ron had more than anybody's stomach could take. It was disgusting!

We had finally arrived at our first lesson and our new teacher was called, Madame Magistrates. She was tall with long blonde hair and she was very kind. All the boys fell under her beauty including Harry, who I punched in the arm straight after.

Our lesson was quite boring and informative, also formal until it was Hermione's turn.........

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