Fade within the minute

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Hello everyone.. I am back and I'm really sorry for the wait, but I am back again with another chapter and as you probably already know, when I write one chapter, I get into a flow and I end up writing 2 - 3 chapters in a day, so hopefully, today, I can write another chapter after this one. Things start to get intense, love triangles form and I have a ton of ideas planned, so I hope you enjoy the rest. Thank you so much for voting, and following; it means so much!! Without further ado, enjoy :) .....

Cormac's pov:

Our journey back was nothing but a mile of thought and silence. Looking at Hermione, I could see an awful expression cloud her face and instincts told me that I should keep quiet. Every time we passed a newspaper stand, Hermione would scan her eyes, trying to find the most recent one to ensure that his father was found and buried. I couldn't help but think that this was all my fault; if I hadn't taken her to the "human world", she wouldn't have found out and she wouldn't have been this devastated. Was I being too selfish? Was I that desperate to spend time with Hermione that I didn't think about the troubles that may happen? 

In my mind, I was constantly bickering with my conscience, almost like the process of precipitation: an  endless cycle.

Ironically, rain fell as if it was a music video by Train or Adele (my university friends told me about these artists but I never understood the concept of their videos; the lyrics were the inspiration to my poetic phrases). I was trudging my way through the rain, whilst Hermione kicked the water from side to side, ignoring the fact that her shoes were becoming muddy. In addition to this, her hair drooped as her hair fell like a curtain around her face. When it became annoying for her, she would blow her fringe   in dismay, with her sunglasses clutched in her hand. 

Standing in the light that shone from the lamp post above me, I pondered for a while, hoping that I would find an idea that could cheer Hermione up. 

Without knowing that I had stopped, she carried on walking but I wasn't too worried about her going too far because after a minute of walking, she found a metallic bench where she perched herself on with her head in her hands. 

Suddenly, I came up with the greatest idea but when I was ready to tell Hermione the surprise, something very worrying happened and my heart raced 10 times faster than ever before. 

Hermione's pov:

I know I am not talking to Cormac but I think it's for the best. So much is going on in my head and with this "other half" of me, and with so much stress, I don't think I can speak to Cormac otherwise it could be worse. Don't get me wrong though; I'm really grateful for everything that he has done and this has probably been one of the best days of my life, however, if I say a single word to anyone right now, I know that I will probably start tearing up. 

When I found a metallic bench, I perched myself on it with my head in my hands. Do you know that feeling you get when something terrible has happened so your legs feel really limp, you physically can't stand up, your head hurts and then you try and think about what it is that's bothering you but you can't seem to remember because it's too overwhelming to even apprehend? That was what was happening to me right now and when I thought that things couldn't get even more confusing, I felt a hand touch me. 'Oh, it's probably Cormac,' I thought to myself until I saw who it actually was.

Cormac's pov: 

In the matter of a few minutes, I saw a girl who had no control over herself. Tears were streaming down her face, which I thought was all normal, however, she started rocking back and forth uncontrollably , whilst screaming with rage. Every once in a while, she would look to her right, look back to her feet and rock back and forth. Continuing on end, she finally stopped doing this after a long period. I ran to her and sat to her left frantically screaming at her, asking if she was okay. She stopped her raging and continuous actions when she fell quiet, took a hold of her legs and collapsed to the ground like a sack.

Hermione's pov:

"No, it can't be!" I shout out loud after seeing my dad grab hold of my hand. "He just died." 

At this particular moment, I was filled with anger, confusion and sadness; I couldn't help but cry and I grabbed his hand tighter than ever before, savouring every last moment. Bit by bit, his face started dispersing and I knew that I had to control my anger, however, this was not the case; it must have been the other half of me that made me perform this mad performance. No longer knowing whether I was screaming at the fact that my dad was disappearing, my confusion or at this other half of me, I carried on screaming anyway. The hand that I had held for 3 minutes (or so what I believe) was fully dispersed and I felt sick and nauseous. Seeing a white flash before my eyes, I fell to the ground after which I knew was inevitable. 


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