Where loyalty lies

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Hi guys...so now is the holidays and I'm up and running again. Really determined to finish this book, but the thing is, I just forget my ideas, because it does take a long time to get it all typed. I will to try and finish 2-3 chapters by the end of this week. Glad that more of you are liking it though and thank you so much for voting. Every vote means a lot and so does a follow. For all my followers, I am going to check out all your books after finishing this chapter, but as always....thank you so much x

hope you enjoy this chapter just as much as the other chapters... :)

Hermione's pov:

So that settles it then....Harry's going to come with me. To be honest, I wouldn't have minded who came with me, as long as it wasn't Ron, but I guess Harry's an excellent choice seeing as he would be very supportive and he's had experience of something like this before, so he would be able to help. I knew it was going to be a few rough nights for me, although the worst thing was, I wasn't allowed to show it, so there were many emotions that were hidden with me now and I couldn't express it.


Harry's pov:

I couldn't believe it, but at least I had an explanation for why she had been acting strange lately. I just didn't know that the explanation would be this extreme, nevertheless, I had to be very supportive and commited since I was the one, who was chosen by the professor, to do this. Wow! What a big job..


 Draco's pov:

Where was she? She had been gone for a long time now and I hadn't seen her after I left with the Slytherins. How I wish they wouldn't interuppt me when I was in the middle of something. Was she upset at me because I left with the Slytherins and didn't finish my "civilised" conversation with Harry Potter?....Harry Potter...Harry. It had felt weird to be calling Potter by his first name now, but I don't know; it just felt right. I would call the Weasley family by their first names too if they hadn't hated me so much. Same goes for Lovegood and Longbottom, although, Lovegood does have a reputation for being forgiving, so maybe I could call her Luna, but that would mean that I would have to call Longbottom by his first name too. Oh Salazar....betraying your kind just to impress Hermione. I'm sorry.

I was in the middle of my deep thought when a young female called me. At this particular moment, I was still looking down, so all I had seen was two pairs of shiny shoes; mine and this other girl's. The voice sounded familiar though...who's could it be? I knew it wasn't Hermione's, because I could recognise her voice anywhere. I looked up to see who it was.

"Draco...I've been calling and calling. Why are you ignoring me?" Uggh...Pansy.

"Sorry, just came back from my dormitory." As if.. I never go to my  head boy dormitiory without Hermione now, because I genuinely get scared by the warlocks and the gargoyles guarding it.

"Don't lie to me, Draco. I know when you're lying," Pansy stated. Didn't think she knew me that well. This had meant that the rumours could've been true..maybe Pansy did fancy me. She continued, "besides, even if you did just come back from your dormitiory, that doesn't answer my question. Why have you been ignoring me and spending so much time with that mudblood of yo-"

"She's not a mudblood!", I spat.

Suddenly, with a blink of an eye, Pansy had gotten her wand out. Now I was in danger, because I knew what she was capable of doing.

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