Babysitting - Sweet Niall Imagine for @Micky_Niam

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Hi y'all! Today is like sad because Harry is 20, and now One Direction is a manband, and VEVO is being slow and I hope we broke the recorddd! Last night I had my father-daughter dance, and now I'm tired. So today is a nothing day. Yay me. Well, hope you like this imagine Micky!

~Maria :) xoxo

"All her toys, are in her room, and extra clothes are in the third drawer down on her biggest bureau." Lou explain. Lou and Tom were going out on a date night, and I was going to be watching Lux.

"Alright Lou. Thanks!" I said.

"No Micky, thank you. Now, I gotta go!" she said.

"Go!" I said. "Have fun! Bye!" I said as she hurried out the door. I laughed. Lou was so cute. "Alright Lux." I smiled as I faced her. She was sitting on the couch chewing her fingers and watching some show on Disney Junior. I sat down next to her. I ran my fingers through her soft blonde hair. "Are we gonna have fun tonight?" I asked her.

"Ya." She nodded. I laughed at her. She was growing up so fast. She could pretty much understand everything I said. "Micky like Jake?" She asked.

"Huh?" I asked. Oh wait, she was watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates. "Ya I like Jake." I replied causing her go smile. Suddenly I heard the doorbell. Either Lou forgot her lipgloss, or some random guy wants to sell me something.

I walked over and looked. I saw that famous blonde head or hair. I immediately opened the door. "Niall!" I said and kissed him.

"Hey babe!" He said. I didn't expect my boyfriend to be here. He was supposed to be working. "I got out early today so I thought I'd come help you with Lux." He smiled. He waved at Lux. She saw him.

"Uncle Niall!" She yelled and ran over.

After two hours of eating, and playing, Tom and Lux returned home. "Hi sweetie!" Lou said giving Lux a squeeze.

"That's gonna be us someday." Niall whispered.

I blushed.

"Someday we'll have little baby Horans running around our house."

I smiled. "I hope so. I love you so much."

"I love you too." Niall said and kissed me.

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now