You're Writing a Fanfic - Sweet Niall Imagine for @nialler8713

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Hi Munchkins! Another update today! So today I'm at my grandmother's house for my uncle's birthday and I'm meeting my uncle's new girlfriend...wish me luck! I hope she's normal and nice...LOL but I can always escape by listening to Midnight Memories! Hahaha

Hope you like the imagine Carissa!

~Maria :) xoxo

I vigorously typed my ideas onto the page. I was writing chapter 13 of my fanfiction called 'Don't Forget.' I was anonymous so no one actually knew it was me, Carissa, writing this. I wasn't planning on telling them either. I was pretty popular, my story had over 20,000 reads.

I only wrote this when Niall wasn't home because he'd probably get freaked out if he knew I was writing a fanfiction. I mean, its a Niall fanfic too, so...

And just so you know the main character isn't me. It's just a girl I made up named Sierra. No one special. And well, obviously Niall is the main character too.

"Who's Sierra?" A familiar voice asked. I spun around. My jaw dropped. Niall was hanging over my shoulder reading what I was writing. I slammed my laptop shut.

"When did you get home?!" I demanded.

"About 5 minutes ago." Niall said trying to hold back his laughter.

I was furious. And embarassed. Niall was reading my fanfic. They he was in! It doesn't get much worse than that!

I let my face soften. I couldn't stay mad at Niall. I sighed and pushed my reddish-brown hair out of my face.

"How much did you read?" I asked weakly.

"Not too much. Just the beginning. I was a bit confused though. I guess I'd have to read the first chapter." Niall said casually.

"So you aren't creeped out?" I asked skeptically.

"No. There are too many of those things out there for me to be freaked out. Even if my girlfriend is writing it." Niall chuckled lightly. He gave ms a quick kiss on the lips. "But yanno, I'd like to read what happens in the beginning." Hs said.

"Really?!" I said surprised.

"Sure. You've always been a good writer." Niall smiled. I just laughed and opened up to chapter 1.

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