Imagine #28 Proposals

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Hi Munchkins! Well this is actually the first close to wedding imagine I have EVER written. You guys will be the test readers. I usually just keep my imagines to dating Niall, but for some reason I want to bring weddings into the mix too. Just to switch things up a bit. However, for right now I won't be writing preferences with kids and stuff. Just weddings. So comment down below if you liked this, want to see more weddings, want no weddings, just tell me what you wanna see me write. Thanks guys!

~Maria :) xoxo

Tonight when you got home, things were a little different. Instead of Niall running up to you and asking you how your day was, you walked into an empty house with nothing but a note from Niall on the kitchen table.

It read:

Good evening princess! You're probably wondering where I am!

Well, follow the clues and you'll find out!

I love you babe

-Niall xx

Aww! He's so sweet! But follow, the clues, what does that mean? But suddenly it all made sense. You saw another note in the hallway that led out towards the sliding door to the backyard. You opened it.

It read:

So you found the second one! You're good!

I think the next step is pretty easy to follow...

I love you!

-Niall xx

So what's the next step? You kept walking. You looked down and saw that the second half of the hallway was filled with rose petals. You were pretty sure you were suppossed to follow those. You did and they led you towards the backyard. You opened the door and went outside. There was still a trail of petals out there too. You continued to follow them until you found the end.

You saw a table, with candles and a nice dinner all prepared. And you also saw Niall. Wearing semi-formal clothes standing there waiting for me. You ran up to him and he hugged you.

"You found me." He said.

"Yep! I followed the trail of roses." You iggled.

You sat down to eat. You had to say, that dinner was really good. The candles and rose petals on the table were a nice romantic touch as well. But you were still curious.

"Niall, what's this about babe?" You smiled.

Niall took a deep breath. He grabbed your hands and you stood up. All of a sudden he got down on one knee. You couldn't believe what you were witnessing. You stood there speechless as Niall started to talk.

"What can I say? You are perfect. I knew that the first day I met you. You are beautiful, so kind, funny, smart, everything I could ask for. Babe, I love you. Will you make me the happiest man on earth and...(Y/N) will you marry me?" Niall held his breath as tears flowed down your face.

"Yes! Of course! Yes yes, yes!" Niall slid the gorgeous ring onto your finger and he jumped up and you kissed him. You were so happy. "I love you so much." You said.

"I love you too." Niall smiled. "Mrs. Horan." You laughed with happiness as he kissed you again.

This was the best day of your life.

Tell me in the comments if you liked that, didn't like that, want me to write more wedding imagines, or just give me a theme! I'd love to hear what you guys wanna read!

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