Ice skating...kinda - Sweet Niall Imagine for @KensieHoran

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Hey guys! Another imagine is here!! I've been getting TONS of requests lately and I am sooo super happy! Just another HUGE thank you to everybody that reads these, everyone that votes/comments/requests, and they have made my Wattpad experience INSANELY AWESOME! So thank you so much and I hope you like this imagine Kensie <3

                                                                                                 ~Maria :) xoxo

Niall and I went ice skating today. It's really really fun...if you can skate. I would skate an inch, fall, skate an inch, fall, skate 3 inches, fall, you see how it is. Niall was actually surprisingly really good. I was just the lame on who keeps falling on her butt the whole time.

"Need help princess?" Niall laughed as he put his arm out to help me get up. I fell for probably the millionth time today.

"Out of the 7 billion people in the world why am I the one who absolutely sucks at skating?" I asked.

"I don't know princess." I got up. "I don't mind. You make cute noises when you fall." I laughed.

"You always look at the bright side don't you?" 

"Eh, I try." I smiled. Niall held onto me and eventually I got the hang of it. I could actually skate around the place. Not by myself, I held Niall's hand of course. But, I was skating. All I could think was halleluiah.

"Your skating Kensie! Finally." Niall joked.

"Shut up you." I said. Niall just laughed at me. 


At the end of the day, after I finally could skate by myself, like literally by myself, skating became really fun. We stayed until closing time at 9:00. Then when we got home, we made cocoa and listened to Christmas music. We invited the rest of the boys and their girlfriends over to hang out. I mean, it was late, but no one really cared.

"We saw the pictures of ice skating on Twitter today Kensie. You became really close with the ground huh?" Louis joked.

"Oh my God shut up!" I laughed. "I'm sorry if I'm not a professional!" Everybody laughed.

"You may be a nut job girl who cannot skate to save her life, but your my nut job who can't skate to save her life." Niall whispered and kissed my nose. I guess Louis heard it though.

"And the all time cheesy pick-up line of the year award goes too...NIALL HORAN!" Louis screamed

"Once again Louis, SHUT UP!" I screamed.

How did I become friends with these people again?

Hope you liked it Kensie!!

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