Imagine #11 You meet the boys for the first time

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So basically I just did Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat at school. It was sooo much fun!! I had a solo and everyone said I was really good...I think I'm an alright singer...idk...but it was hilarious though! :D

                                                                   ~ Maria :) xoxo

"You are absolutely positively completely sure they won't hate me?" You asked nervously as you walked into Au Bon Pain. (just in case you don't know it's a sandwhich place) Niall was taking you to meet the boys for the first time and you were super scared. You weren't sure if they would hate you or love you or think you were weird or a mixture of all of them.

"100 percent." Niall said and kissed your forehead. "Just be yourself."

"Well, sometimes myself isn't always good enough." You said.

"Princess, yourself is a whole lot more than good enough. It is absolutely perfect and I totally promise they will adore you. Stop worrying!" Niall comforted.

"Okay." You walked up to four happy smiling faces.

There was a chorus of "hi's" as you walked up.

"I'm Louis." Louis said holding out his hand.

You laughed. "I know who you are." You pointed to each one as you said their name. "Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn." She smiled.

"She's good." Harry punched Niall playfully on the shoulder. You laughed again. So far, the boys were amazing and didn't seem like they were going to hate on you anytime soon.

As you were leaving...

"Niall, mate, you better keep her. She's amazing." You heard Louis say. "She's the only girl that actually has a good fashion sense!" You giggled to yourself. You looked down at yourself. You wore a white crop top with a bright blue tank-top underneath, and turquoise shorts with white sandals. Your hair was in a french braid and you had on your signature infinity necklace and ring.

"I know Lou. She's amazing." Niall said. You could feel him staring at you. You turned around and planted a kiss on his perfect lips.

"And she looks like a great kisser." Harry joked. "I wish I had a girlfriend to kiss." He (fake) sulked.

"Well," You said quietly to yourself, you walked right over to Harry and put a short kiss on his cheek. "Niall, that meant nothing." You said half playful half serious.

Harry beamed. "Yep. You are DEFINETELY keeping this one." You guys all laughed. You were extremely happy all the boys loved you. And you were even more happy that you had a boyfriend as perfect as Niall. <3

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