Imagine #4 Love at first sight

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You had a billion and one things running through your head. Will they think I'm weird? How do I look? What if I freeze up in front of them? What if they think I'm ugly? All those what-ifs were bouncing around in your brain.

"Next!" A guy working there said. You snapped back into reality and realized no one was in front of you. You stepped up to the boys and handed Niall your CD. He was even more beautiful in real life.

"Hi." You said weakly.

"Hello love." Niall said. You felt his ocean blue eyes burning into you. You looked over to see him staring at you all wide eyed and spacey. Niall snapped out of it. "What's your name beautiful?" He asked. His accent touched every word he spoke.

"Um, um, (Y/N)." You said.

"That's a very pretty name you've got there." He said smiling. He was happy, but there was something else hidden in his eyes that you couldn't make out.

"Thank you." You said as you hand your CD to Zayn. You can't help but stare at Niall as he signed the next person's CD. From the corner of your eye you see him glance at you for a split second before continuing on the CD he was signing. After the rest of the boys signed it, you looked down on it. You saw all the boys' autographs. And something else. A phone number. Right next to Niall's name. 'Hit me up sometime beautiful.' It said.

Niall Horan gave me his phone number. You couldn't help but fangirl on the way out. That thought was going to need to sink in for a little while.

When you got home, you immediately grabbed your phone. Should I? You thought to yourself. You ended up texting him.

'Hi! It's (Y/N). You met me at a CD signing today." A few minutes later, you actually got a response. It was a cheesy pick up line, but you didn't care.

'Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?'

'No, I believe. :)' Love. That's what was in Niall's eyes earlier. And that's what you still saw in his eyes eight months later. You two were in an amazing relationship and you loved each other very much. Niall always looked at you with happiness and love. You could always see it in those crystal blue orbs. They were yours. He was yours. And nothing could ever change that.

Hope ya'll liked that!! Give me some feedback in the comments! Don't forget to inbox me some requests! I need name, age, which boy you want it with, and hair/eye color!! Thanks peeps :)

                                                                       ~ Maria :) xoxo

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