27 - Be my valentine?

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Walking out the bedroom in one of his shirts, I sleepily look around for Harry. I found it strange considering I woke up without being able to nuzzle up to his back, it made me frown before I finally dragged myself out of the bed.

We had an amazing night last night if I must say, and the fact that I woke up without Harry beside me made me kind of sad. It's scary really, how much I depend on him considering we've been dating barely two months. The time it takes to really depend and need someone once you know them is crazy.

"Harry?" I yawn, walking into the kitchen. I shiver at the cold tiles on my bare feet, smiling when I spot him across the room facing the counter.

I approach him slowly, tiredly slinging my arms around his waist. He hums quietly, turning his head over his shoulder to peck me on the lips.

Smiling, I peer over his shoulder on my tip toes to see what he's doing. My jaw drops, noticing the two red heart shaped glass plates with pancakes and syrup drowning them.

"It's Valentines day?" I say shocked, pulling away from Harry. I pull my hands to my mouth in shock, suddenly feeling incredibly guilty that I forgot so easily and didn't buy Harry anything.

Harry turns around with a smile nonetheless, standing aside to show off the incredible breakfast he out together. I look at the two plates, noticing the bouquet of yellow roses.

"Harry!" I gasp, slapping him lightly on the chest. Now I really was feeling guilty. I lean in close to the roses, smiling sadly that he remembered they're my favourite. "I feel awful." I frown, tucking my hair behind on ear to look at his taller figure.

Harry shakes his head, easily dismissing my forgetful self

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Harry shakes his head, easily dismissing my forgetful self. "It's fine, it's my day to spoil you." He says casually.

"No..." I whine, pulling him into another hug. He hugs me back, throwing his long arms around me. I look up at him, resting my chin on his bare chest. "I completely forgot. Now I have nothing to give you...I promise I'll get you something. Anything you want." I say, hopeful that it will be decent enough as a present. Who says no to someone offering to buy anything they want? No one whose sane at least.

Harry grins as though he thought of an idea. "Your love." He says, the grin sticking to his face.

"What?" As confused as I am, I can't help but to smile and poke his small dimple beginning to show on his cheek.

"I want your love." He says seriously, the grin fading.

"But...you already have that?" I say, adding to the cringe even more. Harry's grin returns as he lifts me from the back of my thighs up onto the kitchen island which covers the majority of the space in the kitchen.

Harry his me, resting his chin comfortably on my shoulder. He leans in close to my ear, whispering; "And it's the one present which is just for me..."

I shiver at his hot breath in my ear, cupping his cheeks in my hands as I bring his face so I can look at his beautiful green eyes. "Yours and yours only." I grin, slowly leaning down to close the gap between our hungry lips.

He leans up, pushing me back further into the counter. I laugh quietly against his soft lips, opening my eyes again as he pulls away.

"But I meant something which I can buy for you. Seriously, I mean anything." I say, messing with the growing curls on the top of his head.

He smiles, me knowing that he enjoys having his hair played with. "Hm...I don't mind Y/N..." He says, not really paying attention as he leans into my hands.

"Okay, how about I book a stripper just for you?" I smirk smugly, knowing that he isn't listening to me.


"Harry!" I gasp, playfully acting offended. He jumps up, eyes wide as he bites down onto his lower lip.

"Sorry..." He says awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. "I honestly didn't hear what you said."

I nod, not even really surprised. I know the boy well, too well sometimes. "I offered to get a stripper for you."

"Oh," he says casually. "Yeah, that'd be great."

Now it's my turn to really be shocked. I hit him on the chest as he backs away from me laughing.

"Kidding, kidding!" He chuckles, moving to stand between my legs once more.

Of course I didn't actually think he was asking his girlfriend to book him a stripper, it's not something any good boyfriend would ask. Not to mention Harry just genuinely doesn't like or do that kind of stuff, even before he asked me to be his girlfriend. Which, I think is sweet. He doesn't care if he's in a relationship or not.

After apologising a bunch of times to Harry, he reassured me it's fine and we lounge around watching sickly love films all day whilst making out and eating the chocolates which Harry originally bought for me. I'm just thankful he wasn't hurt or disappointed when I forgot about the day. But, I know he doesn't mind spooling me anyway. We do it to each other more than its needed. I'll make it up to him, I always do.

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