16 - A.M.

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"Okay, how about can I have your number? Because I've lost mine." Harry suggests, deadly serious.

"Right, Harry, unless you want her to walk away from you, I suggest you think of something better." I laugh, him frowning because I denied yet another one of his terrible pick up lines.

I have no clue as to why I'm still at his place at two thirty four in the morning. I walked home with Harry straight after school and here I am sat in one of his shirts with my school skirt on.

More importantly, I don't know why I'm here helping him plan how he's going to ask this mysterious girl he's been talking about non stop. Well, that's because I can't say no to him. Seriously, it's impossible.

"Y/N?" Harry waved his hand in my face, pulling me from my thoughts. I blink, looking at him as if to ask what's up. "This ones golden. Are you tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day." He laughs himself this time, understanding how ridiculous he sounds saying these things out loud.

I stand from his bed, picking up my school bag from Harry's messy bedroom floor. "I should go, it's nearly three." I say, sliding into my shoes as Harry stares at me blankly.

"You're not staying?" He asks, pouting. Damn it. Now I know I definitely can't say no to his pout.

I divert my eyes from looking at him, staring at the floor like some idiot. Why do I have to like him so much? "Y/N?" Harry says, beginning to walk over where I'm stood.

"No..." I push him away by the chest, making sure to keep my head down. I won't give in to those green eyes again. Not whilst he's crushing on somebody else.

"No what?" He asks, leaning in again. Push him away! Don't let him do this! "Are you okay? Why're you acting so strange all of a sudden?" He asks, this adorable look covering his face which makes me want to just grab him and kiss him. Though I know that's a dumb move, it'll just ruin everything.

"Look, I just need to go." I sigh, opening the door to his bedroom. He grabs onto my wrist from behind and I don't even get a chance to turn around because he twirls me as if we were dancing, into his chest.

"What are you doing?" I ask, slightly moody. He smiles, leaning down in a quick motion and presses his lips to mine. At first, my eyes remain open in shock, Harry's lips are on mine. Harry is kissing me! Eventually I end up kissing him back and I feel him smile against my lips as I do.

I never thought he'd do this considering he likes someone else. But, it feels weird to actually be held in his arms like this. All of the times I've imagined we would kiss and tonight it actually happened.

"Wait," I say quietly, using all of my strength to push him away. "I can't do this Harry, not when you have someone else in your mind." I frown, stepping back slightly.

"No, Y/N-"

"Harry, it's fine. You were confused or something. Just don't use me like that? Please. It hurts bad enough having you as a friend and not being able to say how much I like you more than that." I explain, once again my eyes glued to the ground. I can't believe I basically just admitted to liking him. He'll no doubt think it's weird.

"That kiss wasn't me being confused, Y/N." Harry speaks, a smug grin covering his face.

"What?" I look up, my hopes sky rocketing right back up. The butterflies jump up ecstatically in my stomach, almost making me feel sick. Did he really just say that? Maybe I'm just tired and am hearing things? It is nearly three in the morning.

Harry looks down shyly, almost as if he's nervous to say something else. "I like you Y/N, a lot." A small laugh escapes, making him blush a deep shade of red. I drop my school bag from my shoulder, leaning forward and taking ahold of his cheeks. I smash his lips to mine again, getting to taste the sweetness of them.

"And what're you going to do about it, Styles?" I giggle, my hands pressed against his warm chest.

He smirks, lifting me up, my legs curbing around his waist. I lean down, our lips meeting again as he spins around, throwing me down onto his bed.

"We're going to wake your mum" I laugh, him slowly crawling over the top of me.

He shrugs, running his hand through his short hair. "She'll understand."he says casually.

I laugh again, wrapping my arms around his neck as he leans down to kiss me passionately. I imagined his kissed being good, but his lips practically feel like heaven, they're indescribable.

"So, there's no one else?" I ask, my hands pressed to his warm chest.

He shakes his head, a smile printed across his lips. "Just you," he chuckles.

"So you asked my to help you plan how you were going to ask me out?" I laugh "very creative Styles."

"Hey!" He says acting offended. "I didn't want to mess it up!"

"Well, you didn't." I smile, rubbing my nose against his. He smiles, dipping down again to allow our lips to touch again.

I spend the night at his, wearing his shirt whilst cuddled up close to his chest. It was perfect, part of me was still convinced it was still a dream. He was mine and nothing could possibly make me happier.

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