20 - Costume party

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"Hey, you made it!" I grin, approaching Liam with my drink in hand. He nods, his fake vampire fangs showing the wider he smiles. He pulls me into a hug, patting me on the back.

"You look great, glad to see you're not just another Harley Quinn." He rolls his eyes playfully, gesturing to my witch costume whilst letting out a small laugh. I nod in agreement, looking around the room and spotting three Harley costumes within a few minutes.

I turn back to Liam, sipping on my cherry vodka. "The place is pretty packed, huh?" He speaks over the loud music as I pull the cup away from my lips.

"Yeah," I nod "a great success in my book anyway." I smile, readjusting my witch hat.

"Well, I'll catch up with you in a while, I've just spotted a certain someone." Liam's eyes focus on someone behind me. I know instantly who he's on about, him heading over towards his girl within seconds of saying goodbye to me.

I continue to slowly make my way around the place, greeting others and making sure not to spend too much time focusing on one thing. I want to come across as at least a decent party host, the night is going pretty well so far in my eyes anyway.

Sure, my place may be tiny and boxy but it sure can fit in more people than I could imagine. The air inside of the place is a little stuffy and people are beginning to get a little warm the more fresh faces that walk through the front door. Though, I have to say I'm glad people are up on their feet dancing with each other, even if there is a few grinding moves going on.

I help myself to a sweet from the bowl set up on the very festive looking dining table I proudly decorated myself, throwing the rapper aside into the bin.

As I slide past a few people, almost loosing my drink after being knocked a few times, it comes into mind I haven't seen the one face who has been here the entire time. I frown, looking around the small area where people are dancing, drinking and genuinely enjoying themselves just to end up feeling a little sad.

I check the bathroom, kitchen and living room but the one person I only really was overly happy about attending is nowhere to be found. I make my way to my bedroom, my last hope at finding him, and hopefully not anyone taking advantage of the empty room (if you know what I mean).

I open the door, my eyes scanning the room quickly. I smile once spotting the partly naked figure in the far corner of my room, looking blankly out of the window perched on a small chair with a bag of Haribo's on his knee.

"Hey," I approach him with a quiet voice, peering slowly over his shoulder.

His unbearably upset looking emerald eyes look at me for a moment, before turning to stare out the window at the spooky Halloween darkness. I notice he's taken the tape from his nipples, totally ruining what I personally think is the best costume I've seen the entire night.

I don't say a word as I slowly yet hesitantly take a seat upon his knee. Luckily, he happily hugs his large arms around my waist, indicating what I'm doing is okay. My feet dangle a few inches from the floor, my head resting in the crook of his warm neck. I hug his body tightly, not needing any words to understand that Harry isn't his usual self.

"Y/N?" Harry speaks up, his voice low and husky from the long silence. I lift my head, wiping away the green face pain I accidentally smudged on his collar bone with my thumb. His sad eyes lock with mine, his lips formed into a small yet upsetting frown.

"What is it?" I ask softly, my voice pretty much coming out as a whisper.

The corners of his lips lift slightly, trying to cover his face with a smile yet I can still see the sadness which lingers behind it. "I-I don't know...I just couldn't stand the silence..." He stutters nervously, playing with one of his tight curls at the back of his neck.

"Why are you up here alone?" I question him, twirling my index finger loosely around his small pigtails.

He shrugs, eyes sinking to the ground again. "No reason." He mumbles.

"But there is," I sigh heavily "I can tell."

"Just because you're you doesn't mean you know everything." He sulks playfully, his mood brightening.

I laugh, pulling my witch hat further on my head. "Oh, it does." I cockily say.

"Oh, really?" He smirks, leaning his head closer to mine. He presses our noses together, me cringing at the fact I'll have a patch on my nose where the face paint will have come off. I nod confidently, smudging the paint even more against Harry's face. He lets out a small chuckle, his eyes looking happier already.

"Seriously though," I begin, pulling away from him. "Why are you upset?" I ask with a pout, awkwardly pulling my dress down whilst still sitting on his lap.

He shakes his head. "It's nothing."

"It must be if it causes you to sit alone when there's food and music downstairs." I laugh, him joining in too.

"Fine, I posted a picture on Instagram and people don't exactly love my costume choice." He shrugs sadly.

I frown, looking at him for a few moments before pulling him into a tight hug. I wrap my arms around his neck, him slowly but eventually wrapping his arms around me in return.

"Oh Harry," I sigh into his ear, rubbing his back reassuringly. "I love your costume, and people here seem to enjoy it too. It's creative, I mean, do you see another Miley Cyrus here tonight?" He shakes his head. "Well then." I fold my arms across my chest with a sigh.

He looks at me confused, an eyebrow raised. "Wow, I think I like the pep talk side of you the best. Brings out your aggression." He laughs playfully.

"Shut up Styles." I roll my eyes.

"And what if I don't?" He fires back, biting his lower lip which, not to lie kills me inside.

"I'll...I'll...uh..." I stutter, at a loss for words.

"Confidence is all gone now, huh?" He smirks again, tucking my curled hair behind my ear.

"I...Harry..." I begin to speak but soon shut myself up as he leans in, his eyes focused completely on my lips. His eyes close, and so do mine as our lips meet, my fingers instantly roaming through his short hair. He smiles against my lips, gripping at my waist and squeezing slightly as the kiss deepens. I rock slightly on his knee as he moves one hand to roughly grip at my thigh, rubbing it which sends shivers through my entire body.

I pull away, breathless as he grins up at me with shining emerald eyes. "All better." He chuckles softly, his hand continuing to rest on my thigh. I roll my eyes playfully, taking him by the hand as I get up.

I lead him out of the room, rejoining everyone downstairs. I pull Harry to the dance floor where we dance until our feet hurt, possibly the hottest two people grinding up one another along to the beat of the music.

Helloooo guyss! I'm sorry for not posting in almost three weeks, I've been feeling bad about it :( Although, I do have my reasons! I've been sick recently which wasn't fun so I've been missing a lot of school and blah blah blah. Basically, I've been catching up. Anyway, I apologise and hope you enjoyed this one, I personally really like it :) I'm also sorry for the crappy photo attached, I couldn't find a better one. It's kind of bugging me but eh, it'll do. And also; Happy Halloween! I wanted it up this meaning if I'm honest, but that wasn't happening....oops? Haha hope you enjoyed your day and ate lots of chocolate and sweets!

Harry Styles imaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ