18 - Pumpkin

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"Woah, babe! We have to get this one!" Harry says excitedly, jogging over with a large darker orange coloured pumpkin in his arms. I roll my eyes, fighting the smile which wants to crack on my lips.

"Fine, you're carrying it though." I giggle, tucking my hair behind my ears before searching again in the many pumpkins in search to find one I like the look of. With me, I have to get the perfect pumpkin, it can't be just 'okay' or 'it'll do', it has to be perfect. Is is my favourite holiday after all.

I know Harry enjoys Halloween too. Last year was our first Halloween together, so we're pretty new to it in a way. We stayed in last year, cozying up in front of a fire we made in the back garden.

We also visited this very place last year, also in search for some pumpkins to carve and display on the front porch to our little home. Though, looking back, I can agree we did go a little too overboard last year. It was fun, that's all that matters.

"Okay, if you're getting the huge one, I'm getting this." I smile, holding up possibly the tiniest pumpkin I've ever seen. Harry smiles, taking it in his hand which seems massive in comparison to the tiny orange thing.

He places it on top of the larger one, holding it with both arms considering it's so large. I wander around the pumpkin patch a little longer, Harry following as if he were a dog.

Finally, I end up picking out two pumpkins and Harry ended up finding a dark green pumpkin he thought was the coolest thing he's seen all day, so he decided to get it. We pay for the five we picked out, getting into the car with them all piled on the back seats.


"Y/N, please be careful, I don't want to end up rushing you to hospital." Harry cringes, taking the larger knife from me. I frown, taking the plastic carving tool which came in the cheap set we purchased from the corner shop on the way home.

"Fine, be prepared for my carving to take hours then." I roll my eyes, Harry kissing me on the forehead.

"I'd rather that than a hospital visit." He smiles, taking a seat opposite me on our dining table.

I look across at Harry, smiling crazily at his adorable thinking expression. He has his arm folded across his chest, his other resting under his chin as he stares at the pumpkin with narrow eyes.

I laugh, causing him to look over at me with an innocent look. "What?" He asks in a raspy voice, clearing his throat.

"This sounds cringy as hell, but I don't care;" I smile, tucking my hair behind my ear again "I'm so glad you're mine."

Harry smiles too, looking down. "You're the one who's mine." He chuckles, reaching his long arm across the table to hold mine.

"I'm yours, and you're mine." I smile, Harry nodding in agreement.

We begin carving the pumpkins, throwing the gooey insides into the bucket sat between the two of us on the table. I didn't tell Harry my idea for what face I'm cutting into it, and he didn't tell me neither.

We have the weirdest of conversations whilst carving them, me almost ending up in tears from laughing so hard at Harry's silliness.

"I'm serious!" Harry defends himself "even ask Niall, that cat really didn't like me!" He then frowns, sticking out his bottom lip to pout.

"Okay, okay!" I give in, my laughter dying down. "I believe you."

Harry's eyes narrow as he places the kitchen knife down he's using to carve out the face he drew onto the pumpkin. I try my best to contain my laughter, failing miserably like I always do when Harry stares blankly at me in situations like this.

"You lair!" He point to me from across the table, kicking my leg playfully under the table.

I shake my head, holding my arms up in defence. "I'm sorry!"

Harry shakes his head, grinning whilst taking a sip of water from his Starbucks mug. "Y/N?" He then mutters seriously, me looking up again at him.

"Yes?" I smile warmly, poking out the first triangular piece of pumpkin to make the eye.

He looks down nervously, fidgeting with his fingers from under the table. "Do you...I don't know," he shrugs "do you see yourself having a future with me?" His soft voice says.

My breathing increases at the sudden question he just dropped on me. I look at his serious expression, my nerves slowly fading with the small smile he gives me.

"Yeah...I do Harry." I smile. He returns a smile, me grabbing my chair and bring in it with me to sit on the corner closest to where he sits. I take his cheeks in my hands, turning his head so that he has no choice but to look directly at me.

"Why, do you not see yourself having one with me?" I ask curiously, slightly worried what his answer could be.

He pulls away from my touch, his eyes sinking to the ground. "No, I do. I'm really excited, I've been thinking about it a lot recently. Once we hopefully get married, I can't wait to have our mini creations running around this place." He smiles shyly whilst taking my large hands in his.

"You want kids?" I grin happily.

He nods as though it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Absolutely, I can't wait to be a dad. I'd like a boy first, then a girl. You know, so he can look out for his baby sister." He explains, grinning widely the whole time. "But man their genes would be pure perfection with you as a mum." He compliments me, his thumb rubbing the back of my hand soothingly.

"Harry..." I grin, laughing at his cute thoughts. "That's so cute, I'm excited for us to have a wedding and children too."

"I love you," he smiles, leaning in towards me.

"Love you more." I mumble quickly before our lips meet in the middle of a passionate kiss.

Harry chuckles lowly. "Impossible." He mutters against my lips, the two of us grinning crazily as he pulls me over to his lap.

Once the five pumpkins are carved, we spend the night under many blankets with hot chocolate in out hands, Halloween movies playing as we share kisses and cuddles all night long.

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