11 - Movie date

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"Mum, are you sure this is okay?" I ask mum for her opinion in my outfit for the dozen that time. I look in the full length mirror again, making sure I'm happy with the White coloured dress.

I like to make sure what I wear is suitable considering I'm still in high school and Harry is in his second year of college. I still have no idea how it is that we even got talking in the first place.

Another thing I want to make sure of is that my parents see how much I really like this boy. My dad was sceptical at first but after mum persuaded him more than once, he's slowly accepted that me and Harry are dating.

It was only my second official date with Harry, other times I'd sneak into his dorm and we'd watch shows whilst cuddling on his tiny single bed. I don't really mind what we do as long as I'm with him.

"Y/N, how many times?" Mum rolls her eyes playfully with a laugh "you look beautiful." She smiles, straightening out the strap which had gone crooked on my shoulder. I smile over greatly at her as dad opens the door.

"Oh Harry, do come in!" My mother grins, making a big fuss of him as always. I think she's happy me and him are dating more than anything, my dad just hates the idea of another man being with his little girl. I understand dad and how he feels, but I am now sixteen and am able to choose my own decisions.

I look over at Harry as he steps into the small porch of our house, his eyes looking in my direction immediately. His eyes widen, a smile appearing in his face as he looks me up and down.

"You look beyond stunning, Y/N." Harry comments, kissing my left cheek as I see my dad's jaw tense at the corner of my eyes. I try to ignore his ignorance, concentrating my attention on my beautiful boyfriend stood beside me.

"Thank you, Harry." I blush "you look very handsome yourself," I gesture to his well put together outfit, scanning him up and down with a smile. Mum gushes in awe stood beside my moody father who looks like he'd rather be in any other situation than this right now.

"Where is it you're taking my daughter tonight, Harry?" Dad kills the light-hearted and bubbly mood with his flat tone of voice.

Harry zips his coat down a little, giving his throat a chance to get some air. "A movie followed by a meal at an Italian restaurant I know she is a fan of, sir." Harry says nervously, digging his hands in his pockets.

I know how nervous my father makes Harry and I'm not going to lie when I say it bugs me. Even if Harry were to hurt me like my dad ever so badly assumes he will, I'd always find some way of forgiving him because he means so much to me. I just wish dad would approve of Harry and get past his grudge.

"I see. And what time do you aim to have her home by?" He asks, taking a step towards Harry. Mum is glaring at the back of dad's head, his behaviour bugs her just as much as it does me.

"Ten o'clock, sir."

Dad nods, a finger resting on his chin as if he's thinking what else he could ask. "Make that nine." Dad says, standing beside mum again.

"Enough!" I speak up, glaring over at dad. I feel all three sets of eyes look over at me in shock as I speak up to dad. "Leave him alone, he's done nothing wrong!"

"Young lady-!" Dad says in surprise.

"No. I'm not going to watch my mouth because it's not fair anymore! Harry has treated me so well these last couple of months and you are the only one who doesn't approve of our relationship." I speak more calmly, taking a deep breath.

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