5 - Right Now

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Just in case you were wondering, yes, this imagine is based off the song from Midnight Memories. It's one of my favourite songs they've written and it means a lot to me so I thought I'd write about how I imagine it being a real life situation :) I hope you enjoy and please comment and vote!


"You really need to improve your work performance, Y/N because next time it will have to be-"

"I know, I know, I'll focus more" I force a smile. Something I've been doing recently. It's been so long since he called and I just need him here. I understand my boss isn't impressed with my recent work performance but I can't help it. I miss him so damn much.

The next few moments take me by surprise. I'm glared at by my boss' cold eyes as my phone rings, it's meant to be on silent. It's him. "I'm sorry, I have to take this" I grin for real this time, standing from my seat and exiting the office.

"Harry...." I lean back on the closed door, feeling happy to just feel his presence over the phone.

"Baby, I'm so so sorry" I can tell he's frowning as he says this, the room is silent, he must've just finished a show.

I had no idea when the two of us were to begin dating that if barely see him. It's been months already. The feeling of missing him is constantly eating away at insides and my sleep pattern and work performance is becoming effected. I never knew I could fall so hard for someone before.

I smile faintly. "You don't need to apologise, you're having fun which is what you're meant to be doing" don't cry...don't cry.

"Y/N" Harry sighs into the phone. "You don't have to lie, you're having a hard time and I can't even be there for you."

I shake my head, the tears I'm holding back beginning to sting my throat. "I'm just new to everything...I wish you were here..." My voice fades to a whisper each word that escapes. The last thing I want to do is make Harry feel bad, he's on tour. He doesn't need his emotional girlfriend to worry about as well.

"Me too Y/N, I'm sorry. I would cuddle up in bed with you, kiss you everywhere you want me to and make all the hurt and pain go away."

He would. That's what's so special about Harry. When I'm with him, nothing but our love matters and we face problems together. But I've had to face everything on my own recently and it shows just how dependant I am on Harry. It's scary, how much I need him in my life.

My bottom lip quivers and that's when the tears start to fall. "Don't...Harry please"

I begin to walk, clutching harder onto my phone than ever. I'm just glad it's a Saturday and there isn't many people in the office to see what a mess I am.

Nothing is said between me and Harry and I can partly hear his heavy breathing on the other end of the line. I wish I could see his green eyes, tug at his chocolate curls and kiss at his perfect lips. But there's still another two months left.

I'm so deep in thought on Harry, when I look up my face comes into intact with someone's chest.

"I'm sorry" I weep. "I should look-" I drop my phone, my hands clapping to my mouth in shock. I sob uncontrollably as Harry's warm arms pull around my empty body, filling me again instantly. I cry loud and hard into his chest and I've never been so happy to see someone in my life.

"Surprise princess" I can feel his grin as I grip tightly at his back, nuzzling into his chest as his chin rests on the top of my head.

I'm speechless for what feels like forever. When I pull away I look up at him, he's smiling so widely and I stand on my tip-toes as he makes me reach for the longing kiss I've waited what feels like forever for. I feel like one of his fans, crying like crazy with nothing I say because he's left me speechless.

"Don't leave me again" I whisper, clutching harder to his body as I breath in his perfect scent I've missed so much.

"I'm not, because you're coming with me for the last two months of the tour," he says, me still sobbing like a baby into his chest.

I pull away from his body slightly, looking up at him with my vision blurred. "What?" I say in a whisper.

"I don't care what the boys think, I need you Y/N" he mumbles, kissing my lips sloppily.

I nod, my lips not leaving his which I've craved so much. "I love you so so much..." I say, my voice weak it takes effort just to say a single word. I'm going to be with him, no more time spent apart. I'm so overwhelmed and happy, myself, which is already tired, feels even sleepier than ever from the tears which are still flowing down my cheeks. I love this boy and I wasn't going to be parted from him again.

"From now on, wherever I go, you're going to be by my side." Harry mutters, holding my cheeks as he leans in to kiss me passionately.

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