26 - Telling the parents

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I know not everyone has a brother so I just decided for this I'd go ahead and use a name I picked. It's only an imagine anyways, use your own name obviously if you'd like :)

I walk into my older brothers door already hating the conversation which hasn't even started yet. I know exactly the way he'll react, and don't get me wrong it'll be better than my parents reactions but still.

I sit on his bed, facing him as he sits busy typing away at his computer. "Uh, yes?" He asks confused, turning to look at me with narrow eyes.

"I'm going to tell you something, but you have to promise not to freak out." I smile nervously, fiddling with my fingernails as a small distraction.

His eyes narrow but he nods slowly nonetheless. I inhale, thinking last minute how to word it without just springing the new on him. "So...I...uh..."

"Just spit it out." He chuckles, leaning back in his leather computer desk chair.

I nod. "Right," again I inhale, the words practically clinging onto the tip of my tongue. "I...have a boyfriend."

"What did you just say?" He scoffs undoubtedly.

The big issue with having an older brother who is also extremely protective is the fact that no matter how old I am, he'll always see me as a kid. The same kid he grew up with and protected against his friends who used to laugh and coo over me but also could take their jokes too far when they were to do with me. Sure, I'm not what some would say the right age to be dating, but I couldn't be more happier being in the relationship that I am in. And the only way that happiness will continue is if my family have my back and support me too.

"I have a boyfriend." I repeat myself.

He begins to laugh, finding my word humorous in some way. "Okay, is it like April the first or something?" He chuckles. "April fools to you too Y/N. I'm not your brother, I'm actually adopted." He jokes, turning back to his computer.

"Not funny." I frown, my stomach churning even more. "But I'm serious, I'm in a relationship."

"Look, either I'm not hearing things right or you're seriously playing a sick joke. I am not hearing this crap right now." He says seriously, his voice starting to sound irritated.

I'm not sure why I was so confident he'd take the news well. Maybe I just thought it'd be better compared to what mum and dad's reactions will be, but from the way he's acting now, I'm not so sure if that's the right conclusion to draw just yet.

"Cameron, you're acting extremely ridiculous. Why would I joke about this? Is that what you think of me finally being with someone I genuinely like and enjoy spending time with? Because if it is, then maybe I won't be so accepting when you being home your next girlfriend." I say nastily through gritted teeth.

I'm fed up of my family being so damn protective of me. I'm pretty sure Cameron wasn't treated this way, in fact I know he wasn't. He's not exactly the golden child I know but each time I remember having family dinners with his past girlfriends, mum and dad were nothing but accepting and kind. I know this won't be the case when I introduce Harry.

"Ridiculous? That's what you want to call it? Sure, okay Y/N. Just get out of my room." He shakes his head, pointing to his door without his eyes leaving the computer screen.

I scoff, standing from his bed with clenched fists. "You know, I thought you'd have the best reaction out of the family. Clearly I was wrong. I though maybe, just maybe you'd be a cool older brother for once and be happy for my happiness. Obviously not."

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