8 - I'll always love you

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"You can't run forever, Y/N!" He shouts after me but my legs only speed up. I have no idea when or how I've come to run this fast but I am. I turn a sharp corner, bumping into a male who I shout back and apologise to.

I don't know why I'm running, I'll have to face up to him anyway.

I pull to a halt, my breathing increased from running as far as I did. It takes him a few seconds to catch up with me and when he does, a look of confusion covers his face.

"What was that?" He asks, referring to me running away like I did. I shrug, looking at my feet to avoid his green eyes. "Why did you start running? What did I say?" He asks with a frown.

I look back up at him, he's hurt, I can see that. "You...you said you loved me Harry." I say, letting out a heavy sigh.

"What....? Was it too soon? I know it's only been a few months but-"

"I don't love you back, Harry." I interrupt him, him falling silent by my harsh words. His face drops, his eyes either shimmering from the glistening moonlight or from tears, I can't really tell.

"What?" He mumbles, the word trembling from his peachy coloured lips.

I look down again, letting out another sigh before I take a step towards him. I throw my arms around his neck, breathing in his strong scent of the cologne he uses. "I'm sorry...." I whisper, my throat stinging. Wait, why do I want to cry? Why do I feel so guilty?

"But...how long?" He asks, not returning my gesture.

"How long?" I repeat him, pulling away.

"How long have you felt like this?"

I frown, folding my arms tightly across my chest. "I thought I liked you Harry, I really did!" I say, trying to make this horrible situation better when actually, there isn't anything I can do or say at this point to make it better.


"But I..."

"You what, Y/N? Tell me now!" He demands, stomping one foot angrily on the ground. His fists are clenched at his side, his jaw tense from the anger boiling within him. The amount of anger radiating off of him overpowers the sadness he felt when I first told him how I feel.

"I love someone else, Harry!" I shout back, his anger making me frustrated. He can't yell and scream at me for how I feel, surely it's better for me to tell him now? I could've been horrible and lied, saying I love him back when I really don't.

Again, his face drops. His tense jaw softens and his clenched fists soon relax as he looks down at me with sad looking eyes. "Who?" He asks softly.


"Who? Who is it that you love?!" He screams, his anger returning. I step back, his outrage beginning to scare me. I can't face him, not with all the questions he's demanding that I answer. I take off again, running as fast as I can.

I hear his heavy footsteps closer behind me than they previously were when I was running. The cold air brushes against my face, my hair swept back over my shoulders.

"Y/N!" He yells at the top of his lungs "Y/N, please!" Hearing the desperation in his voice when he pleads me makes me stop immediately, I turn around, him walking towards me slowly.

He doesn't say anything, one of his arms snaking around the back of my waist as he pulls me as close as possible to his chest. I put my hands on his chest, looking up at him with wide eyes. What am I doing? I'm on,y leading him on by accepting is gestures.

I'm weak, I admit that. I don't cope well in difficult situations but one thing I've always been taught, no matter how hard it is, is to stand up for what you believe is right. He leans down slowly, our lips brushing faintly against each other before I build up the confidence to pull away.

I step back, frowning, as I now see the amount of sadness in his eyes. His usual light green perky eyes are dark and gloomy, and knowing I'm the one that caused it makes me feel even worse.

"Who are you in love with?" He whispers, taking another step towards me.

"Louis..." I whisper, the tears building up. "I'm in love with Louis." I hear Harry sob, possibly the worst thing I've heard all night. Tears drop and roll down my own cheeks as he stands there crying himself. Never have I ever felt so guilty towards a situation I can't help. I can't help that I've fallen for Louis, I really can't but staying with Harry would've been an even bigger mistake I would've regretted even more.

"My best friend?" He questions in a soft tone. "You love my fucking best friend?" He asks. I nod slowly, me now sobbing if not louder than Harry.

"I need to go..." I whisper "I'm so sorry,"

"Fine." He sighs, wiping his cheek "go. I don't ever want to see you again. Ever."

I turn on my heels, walking away quickly as I begin to sob even more. I never meant to hurt him, that's the last thing I wanted. He might have thought my apology was a joke but there wasn't anything more I could say.

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