13 - Liam's birthday dinner

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Sorry for it being so late! Happy birthday Liam!


"Harry!" I call up the stairs for the fourth time, slipping my second heel onto my foot.

Harry comes running down the stairs moments later, tying up his black tie as he carries his shoes under his arm. I laugh, taking his shoes from him as he sits on the third step. I slide the shoes onto his feet, tying them as he adjusts his shirt.

"We're so late," I shake my head, worry filling my stomach. It's only us and the boys but I still can't ant help but to feel guilty for being so late. The dinner started almost half an hour ago now.

"I told you to press the snooze button," Harry shrugs "but someone insisted in turning the alarm off completely." He shakes his head with a disappointed look I know he's only doing to annoy me.

"It's not my fault the hot water decided to stop working, you know." I sigh, grabbing my coat as Harry get his keys.

Harry pecks my cheek as I walk out the front door, running to the car to avoid being soaked from the rain.

When we arrive at the dinner hall, I feel even worse for being late now that we actually arrived. As I'm walking beside Harry, he grabs onto my hand, walking close beside me to calm me down.

I smile up at him as we enter the building, thanking the kind male who held the door open for the both of us. We're lead to the hall, me inhaling as we stand in front of the double doors where the four boys are behind.

"You're apologising for being late...." I whisper to Harry, clutching onto his arm.

"Fine," he says, taking my purse from me "anything to calm you down babe." He smiles gently.

I sigh again, walking shyly behind Harry as another male wearing s very sophisticated suit opens the doors. All eyes turn to me and Harry, the conversations which were being held stopping immediately. I've never felt so out of place considering I know the boys so well.

The atmosphere is so deadly silent I'm almost certain the boys sat at the table in the middle of the large room could hear my pounding heart.

"Sorry boys" Harry says ever so casually.

Liam's face lights up as he stands from his seat, removing his napkin from his lap to greet us. The other boys stand also, waiting as me and Harry walk over to greet them. Me and Harry hug each of the boys, me wishing Liam a happy birthday before sitting down.

I sit beside Louis, Harry opposite me as our glasses are immediately filled with white wine. "Liam, I'm so sorry we're this late," I frown. "Everything was a disaster this morning." I frown apologetically.

"It's fine, really Y/N" Liam grins "so long as you made it, that's all the matters." He's so understanding, I really didn't need to overthink things as much as I did.

"I thought I was meant to do the apologising?" Harry smirks across from me, my cheeks heating up as he does. I look over at Niall who is beside Harry, who's eyebrows are raised in confusion.

"Shut up, Harry." I hiss through gritted teeth, picking up my wine glass. Louis laughs softly beside me as I take a sip of the expensive wine.

Over dinner we all talk and laugh a lot and Liam ends up opening his gifts which were given to him. The atmosphere was great, the sound of Niall's laugh and Louis messing around with the food, throwing it at Liam whenever he gets the chance. Me and Harry rarely get asked to places together it was nice, not just welcoming him home like I occasionally do.

He's had such a busy schedule recently with work and he's been seeing a lot of his mum and Gemma recently which I can understand. But being here with him today, not having to worry about paparazzi asking tons of questions to do with our relationship, it was nice.

"So Payno, what does it feel like to be twenty three?" Louis asks, a big grin on his face.

"It's great man, love getting older each year." Liam rolls his eyes playfully, sitting back in his seat.

Just watching them act so casually when I was in a room with the biggest boy band in the world was mind blowing. It's as if they have two different lives. One where they spend with friends and family and the other spent pleasing millions of people around the world. Not to mention I happen to be going out with one of them, I don't think I'll ever get my head around it.

"Excuse me, I'm just going to the toilet." I remove the napkin from my knee, standing from my seat.

"I'll come with you," Harry smiles, standing from the table also. I look over at him as if to ask what he's doing without saying anything but he only gives me a wink. I shake my head, tucking my seat in as I head towards the door.

"Hey, no fooling around you two." Louis calls out as Harry takes my hand again.

As we get out of the door, I look around the place for any signs as to where the toilets could possibly be. "Harry do you-?" I begin to talk but soon stop as Harry holds my chin, making me look into his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask, rubbing my thumb over his cheek.

"Y/N," he sighs, leaning into my hand which is gently caressing his skin. "I love you, you know that?" He smiles wirily, taking ahold of both my hands.

"Harry, I love you too, but why are you saying this so sudden?" I question him worriedly.

"I never want you to look at another man except me." He lets out a sigh, his head dropping. He was so happy and smiley in that room and as soon as all eyes are off him, his mood has changed so drastically.

"Harry, that's impossible." I laugh softly.

"No, I know that." He says "just tell me you won't find another man to replace me." He practically begs. "I've been mistreating you, Y/N, I've realised that. I know it isn't a good time to realise it but I've been so bust recently." He frowns, his forest green coloured eyes looking darker compared to normal.

"This is silly," I laugh softly. "I couldn't replace you even if I wanted. I love you so so much Harry, I'm crazy about you. You haven't mistreated me, you couldn't even if you tried. You're so good to me, don't say such false things." I comfort him, pecking his cheeks as his face begins to slowly lit up again.

My heart is beating faster yet has an aching feeling which doesn't seem to want to go away. Harry looked worried sick, it scares me to think he was so upset over me. It was sweet of him, I couldn't lie, it just shows how much he cares for me.

"Well then, now I've said what I wanted" he grins "come here." He pulls me close to his chest, pressing his forehead to mine but doesn't kiss me. He looks at me with his beautiful green eyes, them slowly travelling down to stare at my lips.

"Kiss me you tease." I laugh, wrapping my arms around his neck. He presses his lips to mine roughly, pushing me back slightly as I run my fingers through the back of his hair.

"Okay, we need to find the toilets..." I whisper against his lips as he attempts to continue kissing me.

"Shush..." He mumbles in a low tone, proceeding to leave my lips with his rough yet passionate kisses. We were meant to be back in the hall with the boys but I was so focused on Harry, I couldn't possibly go back just yet.

Harry Styles imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora