Stay Away

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I woke up to someone jumping on me or should i say two someones i looked to see a mix of purple and black hair.
B: whyyyyyy
Sas: because we are going shopping in 20 minutes.
Sam: yah so get your lazy ass up shortie
B: uggggg fine but you have to get off me.
They rolled off of me and i sat up.
B: why jump on me anyway.
Sas: because its fun
B: you guys are so weird but thats good because normal is boring
Sam: yup you love us
I walked to my suitcase and looked at samoa
B: sam out
Sam: awwww come on.
B: nope there are undergarments in here
He pouted and walked out. When he was gone sasha looked at me.
Sas: so whats going on with you and samoa.
B: Hes different then the others. He care about me and he make me feel beautiful. He also looks like a freaking greek god might i add and that pout dont even get me started. He make me laugh and smile and blush. When im around him i feel i don't know safe. I feel like i can trust him i told him something I've never told anyone before.
While saying this i took out my plaid skirt with black leather straps and a plain black shirt with a sweet heart neckline and my boots with matching bra and pantie sets. I also grabbed a spiked bracelet. I turned from sasha and took my shirt off and my old bra. I put my bra on and heard sasha gasp.
I put my shirt on and looked at he.
Sas: that scar on your back
B: oh umm one of my foster families didn't like how much i talked so they used a knife to shut me up.
Sas: that's horrible.
B: That is a lesser punishment that i did not even feel i took my pants off and panties then changed.

Sas: your Ankles
B: Ahhh well that one was bad really bad i was tied to the bed naked for a week i bleed from how tight the ropes being so tight.
I pulled on my skirt and boots and put the bracelet on.
I then put my hair in a messy bun. I was ready i turned to see sasha.
B: sasha that was a long time dont cry for something that is over with.
Sas: what you went through was horrible and i only know 2 things.
B: hay at least im alive
Sas: that means you are the strongest person i know.
B: thanks the strange thing is  i never not once cried during any of that abuse yet now twice in one week. How does that happen can you tell me that?
Sas: That is because you are somewhere you feel safe. Somewhere your not afraid to be yourself. For the first time in your life your happy.
B: yah your right i am
I smiled at her.
B: lets go before nikki comes and drags us out.
She laughed and we walked out to see samoa sitting on one of the chair.
B: well sam are you coming
Sam: yah
We all walked down to the entrance way to see paige and nikki waiting for us.
N: you guys are late
B: only by 30 seconds
N: still late lets get going
We walked out and got in the car i was in the middle something about me being the smallest. I think its because samoa thinks i will be safer in the middle. He is the only one who knows the full extent of what happened to me so i will allow him to be a little protective.
N: ok were here 
We all piled out and walked into the mall. There were stores lined the long hallway. Nikki led us to a place called Verizon. From what i can tell its a store for phones.
N: you need a phone so we can set up your social media. So go ahead pick one.
I walked around and found a phone it was like a cobalt blue and the name of it was galaxy s7 edge i like it but when i seen the price my eyes bugged out of my head.
N: the new galaxy nice choice john has the same one.
B: no but its over 700 dollars i cant get this.
N: yes you can me and john make more than enough to get you one.
She walked away before i could argue and got a guy he walked over and bent down and pulled a box out from the cabinet under the shelf and we were led to the purchase​ counter. I was told to pick a case so i chose a blue case with a landscape of a beautiful waterfall. She paid for the phone case and service on it and we left the store. When we were back in the hall nikki spoke up.
N: ok so me and paige are gonna leave you guys to shop we have some things to pick up ourselves. Here is your new credit card spends as much as you want. Me and john can afford it. You to make sure she gets enough to fill at least half that closet. Make sure she gets at least 10 dressy dresses as well.
Sas: i got you nikki this is gonna be fun.
B: why 10
N: because we go to alot of red carpet events.
With that said she was off and so were we. I was led into a store that i loved. Its called hot topic and they had all these amazing tshits and a few grunge dresses i got a green day shirt 3 different all time low shirts. I got 5 seconds of summer shirts and bracelets. I got one direction and the beetles.  I also got some riped skinny jeans. A few kinds of skits and belts as well as a few different beanies. When we finished there i was led to a store called rue 21. I found some nice stuff there i got some plaid shits some skinny jeans some leggings and boot cut jeans as well. I Even found a plaid dress there. After that store i was led to a store called forever 21 i was told this is where i would be getting the dresses nikki wanted me to get. So im sitting here looking through a few dresses and i picked out one or two. Then sasha had about 20 in her hand and she dragged me into the dressing room and went out to wait with samoa. Who has become the designated bag carrier. I took the first one i picked out it was a simple shirt blue dress with white lace. It looked to be vintage and i loved that.

When i had it on i walked out and samoas jaw dropped

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When i had it on i walked out and samoas jaw dropped.
Sas: your getting that one no if ands or buts. I went back in and changed into a long silver dress one of the ones sasha picked out. It was simple silk with a slit that comes up mid thigh. I go out and both sasha and samoas mouth drop open.
B: what does it look that bad.
Sas: what no quite the opposite
B: what do you mean.
Sam: your so beautiful.
B: so yes
They both nodded and i walked back to the room but i felt eyes on my backside i turned to see samoa staring.
B: hay sam eyes are up here
Sam blushed and looked at the ground. When i went back in i put on a pink dress and i hated it.
I walked out to them with a disgusted look on my face and both said no. We chose about 13 and bought them. We went to a few other stores getting shoes and stuff but the worst was a store samoa would not go into it was called victoria secrets. I got many sets of bras and underwear. I even got a few things that i did not really know what to call. Sasha said that was in case i ever did want to have sex with someone that they would get the guy har in a second. We bought the things we picked out and made our way out to samoa. He took the two bags from me and we walked to the  food court to meet nikki. When we seen her we walked over to her table.
B: hay nikki hay paige.
N: hay how was shopping
B: surprisingly fun
N: it is fun ok what does everyone want to eat.
Everyone except bella: asin chow
B: subway
N: ok bella you go get subway we are going for asin chow.
I made my way to subway and ordered my chicken salad while waiting i seen a face that made me feel my heart drop to the pit of my stomach. He smirked at my expression.
Z: well look what the cat dragged in its the little slut.
B: what are y you d doing here z zack
Z: i live here why the hell you in my city.
B: i i i live h here
His smirk widened.
Z: you make this way to easy bell way to easy.
B: w why do you keep doing it you have raped me 7 times already what more do you want what did i ever do to you.
Z: one it was more like 17 times 2 it was not rape because you know you wanted it. 3 you made my parents hate me.
B: How so
Z: when you came it was like i did not even exsist it was all about. Oh look how cute she is. Oh she is daddys little girl bella this bella that.
B: i was 10 how is that my fault.
Z: you know what this conversation is over lets make that number grow to 18.
B: no zack get away from me.
Z: not gonna happen bell you belong to me your mine to use as much as i want.
B: stay the fuck away im not yours and never will be im mine and that is it damn it.
A hard slap was sent my way and i fell to the ground and then he grabbed my hair he was about to pull me away when i heard samoa.
Sam: let go of her now
Z: hummmm nah i think she is mine and always will be.
Sam: i am giving you 3 seconds to let her go and you can walk away with your face in tact.
Z: haha funny
Sam: 3
Z: nope
Sam: 2
Z: still no
Sam: 1
Sam jumped onto him and began to throw punch after punch and soon. I was pulling him off. He picked me up bridal style​ and i began to cry into his chest.
N: what happened.
Sam: some guy he slapped her and almost dragged her away by the hair.
N: we are leaving now and bella dear we need to know who that is when we get back to the house ok.
I just nodded and continued to cry into samoas chest. Why cant he leave me alone and what will nikki think when she finds out how damaged i actually am.
Hay guys i know its been a while and the other day i realized that one of the chapters i put up was not showing up. I fixed it now. Please let me know what you guys think so far if you want to make me happy. Then press the vote button.  

Adopted by Nikki Bella and John CenaWhere stories live. Discover now