The Contract

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AN: This chapter will be mostly in bellas POV but twords the end i will throw in a surprise POV you will have to wait to find out who it is when you read ok on with the Chappie
Convos for this chapter ( samoa is sam sasha is sas john is j nikki is n vince is v bella is b jason is also jason Jordan is J J)
Bellas POV
I Heard someone saying my name and shaking me. I fluttered my eyes open to see john.
B: hay John
J: Hay sweetie time to get up and get ready.
B: How much time do i have
J: 2 hours
B: ok thanks John
he left the room and i went to my suitcase. I pulled out a tank top where the back has square cut outs and the front says Normal is Boring. I also grabbed a pair of black cut off jean shorts. I grabbed a pair of black panties because i cant wear a bra with this shirt. I went and took a shower. When i finished my shower i got dressed and put on some light makeup. I put my black beanie on my head. I put on my black strapped boots with a high heal. I threw on some bracelets as well gotta hide the ugly rope burn scar on my left wrist.

I walked out and nikki and john looked at me.
B: umm is there something on my face or
I trailed off. Nikki smiled at me.
N: No sweetie you just look beautiful is all.
B: Oh um thanks
N: lets get going
We walked to the elevator in our hotel with our suitcases in hand we got on the elevator and wait for it to ding when the door opened we walked out and got into the car john putting the suitcases in the trunk. We drove the 15 minute drive in silence with soft music in the background. When we got to the arena the crowed was on the other side so there was nobody around. When we went in i seen samoa talking with sasha banks. Samoa turned and looked at me because sasha pointed at me. He gave me a bright smile and motioned me over. I walked over to them and smiled.
Sam: Hay beautiful this is my cousins wife.
Sas: hay im
B: sasha banks aka the boss
Sas: you know me
B: i make it my business to know all the up and comings because i want to be one. Your expected to be the next face of the divas division.
Sas: Damn your good
I smiled at her and did my best british accent.
B: why thank you kind lady.
We all burst out laughing as nikki made her way to us.
N: hay sasha
S: hay nikki
N: i have a question your about the same size as bell so you think you would like to be her practice partner.
Sas: sure i like her she is fisty  i can see ne and her being the best if friends.
N: good welcome to team bellas dream.
Sas: nice name.
N: Well bella me and john had a conversation with vince and he was thinking that since you want to be in the company anyway we might as well start you now so he wants to know if you would like to have a one year contract as an escort. Basically what you do is walk a superstar out to the ring.
B: Really
I said excitement clear in my voice.
N: Yes Really you would be paired with the newly signed samoa congrats on the contract by the way samoa.
B: i would love to have tye contract. I will work my ass off to be in this company.
S: well looks like i have a beautiful escort
Samoa took my hand and kissed it. Causing me to blush.
V: im glad to hear your willing to work your ass off for my company.
I turned around and my mouth fell open right there before me was the Vince McMahon and he had a big smile on his face.
V: So im guessing that means your taking me up on that contract.
B: i would love that sir
I said with a wide grin on my face.
V: in that case Nikki Bella Please follow me.
We walked over to a door that had his name on it. He opened the door for us and we walked in sitting on two chairs. He sat behind the desk and pulled out a thick contract. He handed it over to nikki and she looked through it. While vince talked to me.
V: ok Bella your salary is 100,000 dollars every week. You are what we call a valet your partner is samoa Johnson and your character will stem from his. His is a badass samoan cowboy. So maybe something like a southern bell .
I smiled as he said That.
B: That is the character i have always imagined me having in my head.
N: the contract is perfect just take the no dating clause out and were good.
V: why
N: because she is a 15 year old girl and deserves to date.
He took the contract and used a permanent marker to get rid of the writing nikki then signed it. I signed under her and i was officially in the wwe.
V: well you start tonight nikki do you have any of your old costumes.
N: the camo one
V: ok for tonight i need bella to wear that and nikki take her to meet sandra to talk about the outfit ideas bella has.
B: i get to choose what my costume looks like.
We left vinces office and did a few twists and turns then arrived at this area where an older woman with dark black hair and chocolate brown eyes she was shorter than me and im 5,3.
N: hay sandra
S: nikki baby girl how are you.
N: im good i want you to meet bella she is mine and johns adopted daughter.
S: well hello sweet pea im sandra gray.
B: nice to meet you sandra
N: sandra bella here just signed a valet contract and needs a costume.
S: partner
B: samoa Johnson
S: ahhhh the bad ass samoan cowboy so what is the plan.
B: Southern bell
Sandra took out her sketch pad.
S: so maybe denim booty shorts with a belt.
B: oh and a plaid tie up shirt and cowboy boots.
S: i will get started tonight.
B: thanks.

Adopted by Nikki Bella and John CenaWhere stories live. Discover now