Chapter 28

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Vic's POV

I sat down, my knee bouncing uncontrollably. What was I going to say to Kellin? Would he ever forgive me?

I let out a shaky breath and ran my hand through my long, straggly hair.

I heard the creaking of the wooden stairs and immediately, my head snapped towards the perpetrator.

I noticed the beautiful black locks and instantly recognised the person to be Kellin.

My breathing was becoming more and more laboured and my palms were getting sweaty.

"Ugh what happened last night" Kellin groaned.

"Rough night eh?" I chuckled dryly.

"I guess you could say that" he replied, staggering over towards the counter and swallowing the aspirin I left on the side for him.

"Are you alright?" He asked me with a croaky voice, "you look pale, are you sick?"

The love and care in his voice was making me feel even more guilty about how I'd betrayed him. When I first met him, he was so fragile and broken but slowly he had become happier and more confident.

And I was about to ruin everything.

"U-um can you come and s-sit down for a minute" I asked, letting out shaky breaths.

"Ummm ok" he said slowly, looking a little wary.

He sat down and I turned my knees so I was facing him, my hands clasped together, shaking ever so slightly.

"Umm last night" I began "I got way too drunk"

"Well didn't we all?!" He laughed

I gave him a small smile. "Please-just let me tell you this"

He nodded for me to continue.

"I had no idea what I was doing. I felt someone grab my arm and pull me towards the bar. He grabbed me and kissed me."

His face contorted from confusion to anger and betrayal but he let me continue.

"I kissed back because I was so disorientated. However, when I realised what was happening I tried to pull away and I told him I had a boyfriend, but he wouldn't listen. He was so adamant and he insisted that you had said it was alright. I was completely wasted and he said that you said it was alright, so I carried on."

I looked down ashamed.

"In the end, Mike and the guys found me and beat the guy up. Mike dragged me outside and shouted some sense into me and insist that I tell you. I wanted you to hear it from me first. I didn't want to keep any secrets from you."

I finished and looked up at Kellin feeling like the worst boyfriend in the world.

Silent tears were cascading down his cheeks and his lip trembling.

I reached out to him "Kellin I'm so sor-"

"Don't touch me!" He snapped and jumped back from me.

"I can't believe you would do this Vic! I trusted you!"

"I know and I can't tell you how sorry I am Kells! I never meant for it to happen! I love you!"

"I thought you loved me too! But obviously not! I can't trust you anymore Vic! Do you really think that I'm that shallow? That I'd tell you it was alright to kiss another guy whilst I was passed out drunk?!"

"I wasn't thinking straight!" I yelled frustrated.

He ran his fingers through his hair and paced backwards and forwards.

"I can't believe you! We made a promise! What about the promise?! You broke it!"

That's when he broke down. He collapsed to the floor. His sobs racked through the empty house and made my heart break.

I tried to get close to him to comfort him but he moved further away with every attempt I made.

"Kellin please" I pleaded.

"Get out!" He screamed

"W-what?" I stammered


I felt my eyes brim with tears but I didn't want to make him even more upset, so I just nodded and left the room, making my way out of the house.

I'd lost him. Again.

Kellin's POV

I heard the door close and that's when I completely lost it. I screamed and cried and tugged at my hair until my scalp burned.

I felt so stupid. I was fooled into thinking that he loved me! Can you believe that? For a second I thought that someone actually cared about me!

Anything that was in my reach I threw. Vases. Glasses. Books.

Glass was shattered all over the floor, digging into my feet. But I didn't care. If anything, I welcomed the pain.

I sat down, my tears continuing at an alarming rate, and grabbed the sharpest piece of glass I could find.

I didn't even think about putting it down as I dragged it along my arm.

I watched as the blood appeared and started to trickle down my arm. But it wasn't enough. I needed more.

All I saw was red and I felt all my anger surface at once.

I slashed and slashed until I was starting to feel light headed. That's when I stopped.

I knew that I should clean myself up but I was so tired. I had lost all my motivation so I sat there. The entire room smashed up and in a puddle of my own blood.

I still didn't move when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and gasps at the door. I didn't move when I felt multiple pairs of arms move me into the bathtub.

I didn't move when my arms were being washed and bandaged or when the room was being cleaned.

I didn't move when I was placed in a bed and covered with blankets.

I don't move because I didn't care anymore. I couldn't do it.

I was broken.


Hey guys!

Sorry that it took so long to update but here's a chapter! Please tell me what you think!?

What do you think is next for Vic and Kellin?

Please vote and comment because you know I love to read them!


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