Chapter 27

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Vic's POV

I kissed back. That was until I realised what was happening.

"N-no I h-have a b-boyfriendddd" I slurred, pulling away.

"Oh don't worry about that, I asked him if this was alright and he said it was fine!" The stranger reassured with a weird expression.

I was way too drunk to comprehend what was happening or realise that the guy in front of me was lying through his teeth.

"Oh okay" I shrugged going back to kissing him once again.

The kiss was getting more and more intense and I could feel his hands moving closer to my butt.

Just as things were getting more heated I felt a yank on my arm, pulling me away from whoever I'd been locking lips with for the past 5 minutes.

I felt myself being spun round and an almighty pain in my eye and someone packed a solid punch.

I groaned and fell to the floor but was still able to make out what was happening. I saw Tony and Jaime beating the living shit out of the guy and an extremely pissed off looking Mike heading my way.

He got to me and pulled me up harshly by my arm and proceeded to drag me outside. I was met with the cold air which made me shiver a little but it was a nice contrast to the room full of sweaty bodies.

He shoved me up against a wall, making me groan in pain, and started to yell.



"N-no n-o calm down Mikey," I slurred back "it's okay. K-kells said it w-was a-alright, t-that nice guy s-said so"

Mike let go of me and proceeded to run his fingers through his hair frantically.

"Oh Jesus-fuck, you're way too drunk for this right now. Do you really think that Kellin would say that?"

By this point I couldn't make out anything he was saying and soon enough, I passed out.

Mike's POV

Once again I was left to clean up one of Vic's messes. What's so good about picking up the pieces anyway?

Did he really think that he could toy with Kellin's emotions like that?

I sat at the kitchen table, the morning after the party, with my head in my hands.

I heard a groan and footsteps coming into the kitchen which I knew had to be Vic.

He entered the kitchen and I slid some pills and a glass of water over to him.

"Thanks Bro" he said with a raspy voice.

I didn't say anything but just sat there in complete silence.

"Hey Mike, where's Kellin?" He asked which made my ears perk up.

"Upstairs" I replied calmly, trying to not let my anger show.

"Alright well I'm gonna go see hi-"

"Not you're not. Sit the fuck down Vic" I growled.

"Whoa what got into Mike. Did you get rejected by that girl you were hitting on?" He asked with a chuckle.

"No Vic. You're my problem" I replied angrily. "Do you even remember what happened last night?"

"Uh no not much" He said, scratching his head. "Did I drink too much again?"

"Yes Vic. You got absolutely fucked off your head"

"Well I gotta have a little fun once in a while" he shrugged.

"You cheated on Kellin Vic" I stated

I looked at him and watched as all the colour drained from his face. He stood up and ran to the sink, throwing up last nights drinks.

"No-no I didn't, why would you say that?! Oh I know, you're just jealous because I'm in a relationship" He accused desperately.

That's when I got really fucking angry.

"No Vic! I had to find you sucking faces with some random bloke! I took you outside and do you know what you said?" I asked with a sinister chuckle "You said that Kellin said that it was okay!"

"Oh my God, oh my God" he repeated before sitting down and hiding his face in his hands.

I sat down next to him and watched as he panicked. "What am I going to do?" He asked me. I looked at him and he had tears rolling down his cheeks.

"You're going to tell him the truth, today" I ordered him.

"But he'll never forgive me!" Vic cried

"Well that's better than having a relationship based on lies. You have to remember that this is your fault Vic, no one else's. Kellin deserves to know the truth"

And with that I stood up and walked away, leaving Vic to think about what he was going to do next. This could go one of two ways, Kellin could forgive Vic, or there would be tears and shouting.

Either way, Vic had to tell him. And if he didn't, I would.


Hey guys! What did you think of this chapter?
Do you think that Kellin's going to forgive Vic?

Another question, do you want me to start rounding this fic off or do you want me to add in another small story line? I have one in mind but I'll only use it if people actually want me to carry this story on!

Thanks for reading!
Please vote and comment because you know I love to read them!


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