Chapter 23

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Kellin's POV

I'd already had half of the week off school and considering the state i was in, i figured why not just stay home the rest of the week. After Vic found out, he insisted that he stayed with me. I mean i wasn't going to argue with that.

Since i told him, well, since Mike shouted it out, Vic's been amazing. He's made me food, watched movies with me and given up time with his friends.

I knew i had to go back to school next week and i knew i was going to see him there. I was freaking out knowing that he would be there taunting me but me and Vic have been working on that.

I'm not going to let him change my life. What happened, happened. And now i need to try and move on. I need closure. 

Vic's been researching ways to help me get past it. We've been practicing exercises so when someone touches me, i know not to freak out and that it's okay. He's been learning how to help me when i have a panic attack and ways in which he can hopefully stop them. He's even talked to different therapists on the phone so he knows how to support me.

It may seem like he's going a little overboard but it's been more helpful than i could ever imagine. He's been so sweet and gentle with me but at the same time he's not treating me like i'm going to break at any minute. To be honest, i think this is the happiest I've ever felt.

Also, It's not just Vic that's been helping me. The other guys have been too. Mike is teaching me self defense. Nothing too complicated but just enough so that if someone was to grab me again, i would be able to fend for myself. I think i'm able to pack a pretty good punch if i do say so myself.

Jaime and Tony have also helped me by just being my friends. I've never had friends so them being there for me, and wanting to be around me is making a world of difference. 

I think that this is the most confident that I've ever felt. I feel strong. 

I'm shaken from my thoughts when Vic and the boys enter the room. They all came here early so we could group up. That's because today is my first day back at school.

"You ready to go Kells?" I heard Vic say. I looked up and saw him giving me a concerned look, alongside the others. I knew he was worried about me. I was worried about me but i had to do it.

"Yeah" I said, my voice wavering slightly. I know that the guys noticed my change of attitude but thankfully they didn't bring it up.

We got in the car and started to drive. Within second we were there. Well that's what it felt like anyway. I wished that the journey had taken just that little bit longer so i could gather my thoughts but i had no such luck.

I stepped out the car and took a breath. It was now or never.

I started to walk with the guys behind me but as soon as i hit the steps, i stopped, tears coming to my eyes. My breath hitched and i turned to look at Vic.

He knew that something was wrong straight away. He grabbed my face and made me look at him.

"Come on Kells. Calm down. You can do this" He said firmly.

Then he pushed his lips against mine sweetly.

"I know you can do it. I believe in you Kells"

"I can do this. I can do this. I can do this" I whispered to myself, until finally, i believed what i was saying.

I turned to the boys "I CAN do this" I said much more confidently this time.

They cheered and whooped and jumped up and down.

 "Let's do this" 

~ Time skip to lunch ~

I smiled as i made my way to sit with the boys in the lunch hall. I'd managed to get through the morning without seeing Brad and no one even touched me. Our table was pretty much in the centre of the canteen so everyone had a perfect view of us. I wasn't keen on that but there was nothing i could do.

I sat down and instantly questions were fired at me.

"Are you alright?"

"Is everything okay?"

"Did you see, ya know?"

I chuckled and shook my head as i sat down. "No guys, I'm alright. No one touched me or bothered me all day. Everything is going okay so far. And no, i haven't seen him"

I soon regretted those words as i felt a hand grip my shoulder and i froze. I saw death glares being swapped from across the table and knew who it was. I felt a breath near my ear, which made my hair stand on end. "Did you miss me?" he breathed.

I gulped and closed my eyes, remembering all that Vic had taught me about preventing a panic attack. I wasn't going to let him control me,

"No actually Brad, i haven't" I stated calmly as i pushed his hand off my shoulder and grabbed Vic's, who seemed surprised at how calm i was.

"Still a faggot are we" He sneered "YOU SEE EVERYONE, WE HAVE OUR OWN LITTLE FAGFEST HERE!"

I dropped Vic's hand and stood up facing Brad. "You know Brad, you seem ever so interested in sexuality, maybe you're questioning yours?" I challenged, hearing 'ooohs' coming from around the canteen. 

"I'm not a fucking fag" He growled loudly.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "Because what you did to me in the bathroom challenges that, you seemed to be enjoying it quite a lot" I smirked. 

I saw his face get red with anger and i turned and walked away before he could do anything. Or so i thought. 

I felt his rough hand grab my arm. Without a second thought, i twisted round and smashed my fist into his face, hearing a sickening crunch. I heard gasps coming from around the room. 

He looked back at me and i knew i was done for. He raised his fist and i closed, my eyes waiting for the blow. But it never came. Instead i heard the headmistresses' shrill voice piercing through the air.


He glared at me once more before exiting the room, which suddenly erupted into cheers.

I looked over at Vic and you could see the pride on his face.

He walked straight over to me and didn't hesitate to kiss me hard. I didn't protest as i didn't care what people thought anymore. However, instead of hearing the usual insults, the cheering got louder.

Eventually, we broke away and smiled at each other like crazy.

"Hey Kells?" Vic asked


"That was really fucking hot"


Hey guys! What did you think of this chapter? I'm quite proud of myself because this chapter is 300 words longer than my usual ones. 

Please vote and comment because you know i love to read them!

This chapter is for oliviasykess for being the most dedicated reader :)


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