CH I 7

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~Fade’s Pov~

The pain in my stomach was numb, but still reminded me it was there. Rubbing my eyes, a hotness I haven’t felt since the war covered me all over. Waiting for the sounds of nature and the breeze to chill my body, it never came. Instead a soft yet sturdy feeling covered me all over. Blinking, sleepy eyes trail over one muscle after another. Making their way all the way up, to a stunningly calm face.

    In this state he looked no more dangerous then a lamb. Though I doubt he’d like to hear that. That unknown feeling of wanted to touch, making me squirm. Maybe it was the danger factor, pushing me to roll my lips over his. Or the way he held himself even when asleep. Stunning is not a good I toss around lightly, but he was stunning. So stunning it would be a waste not to rape his ass, before I left this crazy wolf compound.

    Those stupid voices in my head, screaming at me not to touch. He was like that big red button, you know the one that says “Don’t touch”. Why do they even put that on something, specially when they know your going to push it. Holding my breath, letting my fingers trail down one ab. Rippling down the very tight 12 pack, shifting under my touches I stopped. I really didn’t need my head ripped off today. Not that I’m afraid of death, it would just be a shame to have his body stained in my blood.
    Maybe it was the lack of food in my system, or maybe the blood rushing to my head from staring to long. Either way I made myself get out of his bed. The long white shirt, covering down to my knees. I seriously need to find my clothes and weapon. Looking around the over sized room, not a damn thing looking like it belonged to me. Scratching my head, stupid thoughts popped in and out. Like how is this place in such good condition? And how have I not crossed paths with it before?

    His stirring had be freezing, with the stupid look a deer gets before a car takes their life. The covers were pushed off more, showing off the black overly tight trucks. Gulping silently, feeling a deep want in the pit of myself. Something I have never felt before, maybe this is what my mother was talking about. All those stupid talks about sex, and how babies are made. This might be the reason why she never told me about how completely sexual a man can look when he’s at his most vulnerable. Seriously I wanted to eat him. And not just eat, licking him from head to toe didn’t sound all that bad either right now.

    In the area in which I normally paid no attention to, was now on fire and begging for his fullness to calm the rage building. Watching his face, with eyes still closed he took in deep breaths. Sniffing the air, he groaned.


Looking down between my legs, feeling as I became wetter, I panicked. Need to get out of here, like now. Slowly backing up to the door, twisting the shiny knob. Taking the first step out into the hallway. Closing the door, making sure not a sound was made. Once closed and his tantalizing body was now blanketed by a thick wood door, I let out a sigh of relief. Oh this is not good. Turning around, I mentally thought about what would of happened had I staid……ohhhh no…bad fade….bad..very very bad.
Walking around till I saw a female, picking up a few things. Clearing my throat, her eyes snapped to mine. They widened when she saw what I was walking about it.
    “Miss, you can’t walk around like that.. Its dangerous” Quickly looking around, for what I’m guessing is more wolves.
    “Okay, but I can’t find my clothes”
    “I will retrieve them for you, but you need to return to the room in which you came.” If that were possible I wouldn’t of left.

    “Yea, I don’t think so. How about I go with you?”
    “That wouldn’t be wise, in order to get to your clothes I have to pass threw the main hall.” She paled a little at the words.
    “Look I’m really not worried, but if I don’t get my clothes and weapon back….I’m going to flip shit.” Placing my hands on my hips. My voice had risen a little and she waved her hands for me to hush.
    “Okay, just keep your voice down. The masters don’t like to be woken up.” Her eyes looked at each door, waiting for one to spring to life or something.

Masters? Please tell me that’s not what they call themselves…how cliché.

Following her, the path she took seemed to go on forever. A little noise as we came closer to what I’m guess is the main hall. Placing a hand on my arm, she asked me to wait. Looking around the corner, her frown said it all.

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