CH I 14

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~Fade’s POV~

After leaving Thorin’s room, I made quick time to Taylor’s place. The black rod iron gates, held a certain darkness. Gulping down my fear, I pushed them open. If this wasn’t the epiphany then I didn’t know what was. This place looked like something out of a horror film. Movies such as Riddick and Underworld came to mind first. Every inch of the place was dark, gloomy and just down right sad. Dead trees scattered around. Once you passed the large black gates, you needed to pass through a another gate. Its height towering over the smaller me. Looking up, it had to be at least four more feet then I. Grabbing the lion head handle, pulling with all my might. The fence around his place, was equally as tall; matching the great gate.

    Making enough room for my slim body to squeeze through, I awed at the stunning house. Just as big as Thorin’s, only it seemed to run away with the medieval theme. Guessing he’s into the old world style of things. This should be rich. Four men dressed in what could only be described as armor come out. Standing side by side, two on each; they made a tunnel in which I was to walk through. How interesting, looking around before taking more dangerous steps to the house.
    Something whistled and I knew it wasn’t the wind, my eyes shot around looking for the sounds owner. Locating a man in a tree holding a bow and arrow, pointed at my head. Cleaver. It soon became apparent, that in this game going backwards gets you killed. Taking another step forward, the archer followed me. I’m not so gullible that I didn’t think this would be dangerous, wolves are always dangerous…even when you are one. Stepping past the last two men, the giant house door opens.

    A very good looking man steps out, he’s in a black and white stripped shirt. Black pressed slacks, and what could be black Italian shoes.
    “Aw Miss Fade” Folding one of his arms over his chest and bowing to me. Smirking, I can see where this is going.

    “Mr. Taylor.” Coping him. His bright smile as I play along with his game.
    “Its an honor to have you at my humble abode.”  His hands waving around at the manor he has.
    “The honor is all mine” Smiling sweetly. This is going to be a long day.
    “Its all thanks to your beauty, it seems to brighten the whole area.” Taking a few steps off the porch, making it to me. Taking my hand, kissing the back. Keeping the color from entering my cheeks, I keep a smile on. He’s more then dangerous, he’s down right creepy.
    “Your to kind”  He takes a step back, chuckling.
    “I am aren’t I?” Ego much….okay lets see how kind you really are.
    “You’d be even kinder, if you’d call off your dogs” Chuckling a little girl laugh. His eyes widen just a bit, before he laughs.
    “Do my dogs frighten the young maiden?” Showing me his fangs, and the bright of his white eyes.

    “Not at all, I fear for their safety.” Shrugging it off. You don’t scare me, I’ve had my mate screaming in my face. This is a damn walk in the park.
    “Fearing for them will get you nothing, but killed” Grinding out the words. Is that so….okay then.
    “Well then, I’ll save them some trouble.” Without warning my hand grabs four arrows, quickly shooting them. One at the man in the tree, two above the building and one hiding against the wall. My arrows don’t aim to kill, just knock or frighten the men. The man in the tree falls out, breaking a few branches on his way down. While the two on the house, fall backwards as my arrows hit their bows. The man in the wall, is pinned with my arrow holding his shooting arm.

    “You forgot one” He snaps. But my knife pushes against his throat, as he comes at me.
    “No I haven’t, Mr. Taylor” In one hand I have his wrist, which contains a very long blade. While in the other my knife is pressed tightly to his jugular.
    “Its been a long time since, I’ve smelled deadly.” He whispers taking in my scent. Taking his knife away from him, flinging it into the tree. Pushing his body away from mine.
    “May we proceed to doing business now?” I’m beyond annoyed. Smirking at me, he quickly regains himself.

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