CH I 4

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I guess it’s the brains protective nature to shield any bad thought one might have. Giving you something to think about keeps you busy, however if I start talking to myself, I think I’ll just do the world a favor and off myself. I’m no crazy and would like to keep from going down that winding road of nuts, and berries. Downing the last drop, tossing the bottle. With the river close by, I headed to a sweet smell. Looking up the mouth watering vines held river grapes. They have tiny seeds which are a pain, and they have a slimy texture but are packed with flavor. Not to mention they carry a lot of vitamins.

    Looking at what I had to work with, pulling out my knife holding it between teeth. Shimming myself up the tree, letting my body wrap around the branch. Wrapping my legs tightly, I hung upside down. Going out as far as I thought the branch would hold, I release with one hand and begin to cut the grapes, from the vines. Some drop on their own, while others hold on for dear life. Wanting more then I think I needed, meant staying upside down for longer. And right now the blood was rushing to my head.

    A cracking sound made me freeze, slowly looking at the branch. A small crack was forming, slowly teasing me.
    “Oh shit!” Another pop and snap, as the branch toppled to the ground. Hitting the sandy ground branch bouncing off my chest.
    “Ouuffh damn” Cough while pushing the branch off.  Just laying there, trying to get my bearings back. Making myself roll over, pain rushed from my toes to my head.

    “Ohh that’s gunna leave a mark” Groaning, as I felt a twinge of pain over my back muscles. Thinking how stupid I was to be greedy, I took a mental note not to do that again. Resting with one leg stretched outward, while the other was tucked into me. Picking up handfuls of grapes, I ate slowly. Finally feeling like the blood had returned to its normal places, I get to my feet. My jeans held side pockets, close to my knees. Stuffing them both full of grapes, I needed to keep moving.

    Tucking the knife back into my back pocket. Still walking I checked my quiver and bow. The quiver had been pushed, but the material my father made in with bounced right back, as for my bow it was fine. Good thing to, cause without a weapon you as good as dead. There are other things worse then stumbling into any male, like bears, normal wolves, cougars, or just plan falling into one of those old fashion traps.

~Alpha’s Pov~

With the Sniper located, my Beta Vince walked in with a long legged woman. She seemed just like any other woman, well maybe be not like all of them. She wore no tears, and held herself with a pride that couldn’t be explained. Not even dropping her eyes from mine, going as far as challenging me in my own house. Her first few shots, stunned the shit out of me. Making it to the 1000ft mark, making seven arrows pierce the small red dot.

    She left walking to retrieve the arrows, letting me and my Beta talk about what to do with her. He informed me, she had been unfound for over five years. Stunned I looked back at her, to find she was gone. We tracked her down, even with our speed she still managed to get a good distance away from us. Locating her in a broken down building, leaning against a glasses window. Her cocky attitude, making it more known she wasn’t going to give up. That’s when I got a good smell of her, roses and dirt. It turned my mouth into a pool.

    She laughed it off, like it wasn’t that big of a deal. Hell I’m the ruler, how can she not be the least bit scared of what I’ll do to her. Sending my men after her, as her silhouette disappeared into the dark building. Vince said he caught sight of her from across a building. Sending my men up there, he yelled her name. Running around to another window, I watched as she leapt from the highest point. My first thoughts were scaring me. Was dying better then being with me?

    Her arm reached out, pushing a knife into the fabric of a twisted flag. using it to slow her momentum down. Dropping the last ten or so feet. Waving to Vince, he shook his head mumbling something. Sending everyone I could to find her, she seemed to vanish in the ruble. Returning home I needed to speak with Vince.

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