CH I 5

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Deep into the night, an owl calls out. The sounds of the night calling for answers and making it known that things in the night do go bump. The sound of something hitting my tree, stirs me.
    “Little bastard, thought you could trick us” The men from before, have Drake by the throat. This time more of them, are standing around him. The sun isn’t even fully making its way over the city. Shooting an arrow at the man’s feet, his eyes shoot up to me.
    “Step back” Holding another one at his face. Drake moves away slowly, making sure not to get in arms reach of any other men.
    “Drake, grab the arrow”

    “Just do it” Picking up the arrow, he holds onto it.
    “Okay I got it” Clutching it to his chest.
    “Okay, remember how I said I was running from someone?”
    “Yea….?” giving me a look.
    “Go get them”
    “WHAT ARE YOU NUTS?” Glaring at me.
    “Drake, I need you to trust me. I’ve saved your life twice now, please just do it”
    “Fine, but if I die. You’re the first person I’m coming to haunt.”
    “Fine, just go.” Turning around he darts away. One man trying to grab him, only to have my arrow slid into his arm.

    “Don’t you dare touch him” Giving the best growl I could muster for a human.
    “Your going to pay for that girly”
    “So I’ve heard.” Sticking my tongue out, while drawing another arrow.
    “Your running out of arrows love” The seven men, standing at the bottom of my tree. They begin to laugh, as I grow tired. This is what I get for being nice. A large branch is tossed at, trying to block it losing my balance. Hitting the hard ground, they stand over me.

Aww damn it.

A kick to the ribs and I gasp as air takes off from my lungs.

~Alpha’s Pov~

Its been to damn long, and nothing. No sign of her, either I have the most incompetent warriors, or she really is like her name. Tapping the pen, I’m only annoying myself more. As I feel the rage in the pit of my stomach, getting the better of me, Vince pushes my doors open.
    “Alpha” His face looks pale and worry flashes around.
    “What?” Standing up.

    “There’s a boy here, to see you”
    “What? Why would I care about a boy?” Sitting back down, with a huff.
    “He’s holding an arrow that belongs to Fade”
    “WHAT? BRING HIM TO ME!” Nodding the small male human is shoved into my office, looking like a mouse in a tigers pen.

    “WHERE IS SHE?” Growling at him. He all but pissed himself.
    “What?” Making my way to his side.
    “troubel…trouble” Gulping.

    “Where?” Trying to keep my voice low, as to keep him from fainting.
    “South…side” He’s clutching an arrow, and her smell is all over it. Sticking my hand out, he slowly hands me the arrow. Checking the tip, its got darker dirt. South side it is.
    “Vince, watch him” Taking off for the south side. Pushing my wolf forward, I change quickly while running. A shot of pain rings yet again threw my stomach. Bastards, I’ll tare them to pieces.

Smelling the air as, my feet get closer to the south side. I smell blood, quickening my pace. Bursting into a small clearing, the seven humans have her tied to a tree. Taking turns beating and messing with her body. Her shirt is torn and covered in blood, scares all over her face as she holds her head up high.

    Jeans with knife slashes, before seeing me one punches her in the face. Gasping, her lip begins to bleed. Roaring, they turn around quickly. Shaking, while a few fall to the ground. My nails digging into the dark soil, pouncing on one after another. Shredding their bodies. No one touches my girl. Swiping my paw at a mans face, watching the deep cuts pour blood over the ground. It was to easy, and felt unsatisfying, stalking over to her. She keeps those lush green eyes plastered to my black ones.

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