CH I 1

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A lit cigarette pressed between my lips, a bow swung over my shoulder, along with a quiver filled with arrows. The city that was once so vibrate and full of life now no more then a waist land. Busted up cars, scattered around. Glass covering almost every inch of the concrete. Most of the skyscrapers had crumbled or toppled into other buildings. Over grow landscapes started making their way into some smaller business. To be honest I preferred the city like this.

    Its bring my inner wild out, the hardest thing for me now a days is finding a new stash of smokes, or fighting off others like myself…humans. Yea I said humans. The cause for all this destruction, from my knowledge is wolves…well Werewolves. When my father had still been alive, we hunted and fought together. He died trying to keep me safe, a large pack had come looking for females. Most werewolves are males, and in order to keep the population growling they need females. Lucky me.
    I guess it wasn’t all their faults, I mean our president did call for air force 1 to just start blowing shit up randomly. Not to mention the on slaughter or of bombs. Hell I’m surprised I’m even alive. Its funny now, taking a drag of my smoke. Letting the white smoke pour out like lava. The nicotine filling my body in a toxic bliss. it’s a shitty habit, but one I can’t kick…well until I can’t find anymore.

    The city was were I did most of my searching, looking for things like smokes, and can goods. Craving something in a can, will drive you nuts. Today I was in search for pineapple, needing to fill my sweet tooth. Most candy was melted or stale. I did get luck and find a bag of Doritos once, that was killer. Not many packs checked the cities, anymore. Most humans who had survived, had moved into the woods. Which is stupid since wolves prefer the woods. The few who resided in the city, were far from sweet. Being mostly thieves and killers, father never liked going into the city. He said it was asking for trouble, probably right.
    Eyeing a vending machine, that held sodas and water.

Walking over, money was pointless to carry since you could buy shit anymore. Now a days you jut took what you wanted. Spinning around so my foot hit the computer it spit out a sprite. Picking the can up off the concrete, smiling. Jackpot. Tapping the top, making the bubbles setting. Popping the cap, and hearing the sweet sound of fizzing bubbles. Sucking it down greedily, tossing the empty can to the curb. Walking on I had made a mental note of where I have been, as to not check the same place more then once.

    Not that I didn’t have all the time in the world, but no sense in waiting valuable time. Kicking the door to a small seven eleven in, I waited for the roof to hold or cave. It held and I headed inside. Walking to the back, most things like milk, bread, water were already cleared from the shelves. Not many people grab smokes. I’ve passed up plenty of chew, I just never could take the stuff. A few bottles of wine lay in disarray on the floor. Picking one up, blowing the dust off.
    “Umm, 05 model.” tucking it under my arm. Moving back up front, placing my bottle on the counter and sliding over it. The smokes were all over the place.

    “Hello my lovelies” Picking up my brand. A total of seven packs. Not bad. Scratch tickets hanging down like party streamers. Chuckling to myself, bet I’d win millions now. Sliding back over the counter, taking my bottle. It was getting late and needing a safer place to hold up for the night. Wild animal roamed the streets as their personal playground. A few sounds trailed around the city, most were men who lived here. They would raid gas stations and ride on motorcycles, or punked out trucks. Being at a 7/11 wasn’t a safe place.

    I wasn’t the only one who smoked. Taking it as my green light to go, I walked away. Running brings unneeded attention. As the sun trailed over the ruble, I stopped at the outskirts of the city. I moved a lot, keeping my smell covered with something called witch hazel. Father said he found out from someone else it masked your scent from the wolves. To my surprise it worked wonderfully. How I found out was something less desirable. I had been held up in a small dinner, in the back no less. When a pack started in, their growls and continual talking had me shaking like a damn leaf. Dapping a little of the witch hazel on my skin, stuffing myself into a cabinet, I held my breath.

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