Part 21

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Once we arrived at Nash's house Chloe knocked on the door and Hayes answered it.

"Hey Chloe. Hey Katelyn."

"Hey Hayes" we both replied at the same time and then looked at each other and laughed.

"What are y'all doing here?"

"What? Can I not come and see my boyfriend?" Chloe asked with a fake hurt tone.

"Of course you can Chloe. You can always come to my house to see me" Hayes replied then let us come in. "So, Katelyn did you know that Nash came back today?"

"Yeah, I did. We ran into your mom and Skylynn today and she told us."

"Would you like him to come done here" Hayes asked, as if that wasn't already obvious.

"Noo, I just came here to be a third wheel while you and Chloe are all lovey dovey" I replied sarcastically. "Of course I want to see him." I said a little more excitement in my tone now.

"Okay, okay. I'll call him to come down." Hayes said.


"Nash, come downstairs!" Hayes yelled from downstairs. I told him I didn't want to be bothered and then he's telling me I need to come downstairs?

"What is it? If somebody is down there tell them to come back later." I hoped that was what he did but after a few seconds he replied. "I think this person you might wanna see." Of course hes not gonna listen to me.

"Okay, I'll be down there in a minute." I replied while getting off my bed. While I was walking down stairs I caught a glimpse of somebody who looked similar to Chloe. Why would Hayes want me to see Chloe? Then when I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw another girl. It couldn't be. How did she know i was back?

"Katelyn?"As I said this the girl turned around and it was Katelyn. My mood defiantly just changed. I missed her so much. I wasn't myself during magcon this time, and I even was told that several times. It was because I missed Katelyn.

"Nash!" She said right before we both started towards each other. Once we were close enough I pulled Katelyn into one of the longest hugs i've ever had in my life.

"I've missed you." I told Katelyn while I was still hugging her.

"I missed you too, a lot. That's why i'm here." after she said that we both let go.

"How did you know I was home? I was gonna go to your house and suprise you but now I cant. But I'm still glad we get to see each other."

"Me and Chloe ran into your mom and Skylynn and she told us- well mostly me- that you were home."

Behind Katelyn someone awkardly coughed, proably trying to get our attention. It worked because both me and Katelyn turned towards the noise.

"Sorry to interupt your lovefest but I hope yall know that me and Chloe are still standing right here."Hayes said.

"Oh no, thats fine. Katelyn and I were just about to go out." I replied.

"We are?" Katelyn asked, clearly confused.

"Yes. Yes we are."

"Okay, then."Kateyn said as a smiled appeared on her face. "Bye Chloe and Hayes. Now you two can have your own little 'lovefest'"

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