It All Began With A Letter

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I know, 'It All Began With A Letter' makes you wonder what kind of letter. From a relative, a secret admirerer, a lost family member, an acceptance letter into a college, and whatnot. But thing is, it was none of these. Here's my story.

My name is Riley Jones. I wasn't your average girl. I didn't get drunk, party, spend billions of dollars on slutty clothes and heels and getting my nails done. I actually hated heels and parties. They were too happy for me. I guess my reason for not spending billions of dollars on clothes and whatnot was because my family didn't have a lot of money. But that didn't matter to me. I still wouldn't have spent a lot of money on all that stuff.

I was a kind of quiet girl. But if you messed with me, you'd instantly regret you hadn't. Even if you were the head bitch of the school. But even though I didn't care about what people thought about me and I was mean and a badass, I didn't smoke. My dad died from smoking a lot when I was about 5.

Ever since then my mom has been really over-protective of me so even if I wanted to go to a party, I couldn't. But since I never wanted to, it didn't matter to me. My mom's overprotectiveness was the reason I was in this car, bored as hell, running around town with her to do all they errands. She didn't like me staying home alone. She thought I'd get hurt if a robber came or something even though I assured her that if he came in here, I'd beat the shit out of him.

Even when she had to work late I was forced to go over to my neighbors' house. The only good thing about going there was that they had a little baby boy named Andrew, but we always called him Drew. He enjoyed my company and I enjoyed his. He was one of the few things in the world that could manage to make me happy.

Driving around town with my mom singing along to her crappy music made me miss him a ton.

"It's okay, Riley" my mom said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I tore my gaze away from the car window as I turned to her. "Just one last errand and then we can go home and maybe you can hang with some friends. Have 'em over you know."

I just turned my attention back to the car window and looked at the surroundings as we drove into another town.

My mom had this thing where she was overprotective but yet always wanted me to hang out with people and bring them over. I always tried to explain to her that when teenagers hang out, we don't have an adult supervising. Then she'd always rant on and on about how it's okay to be different and it's okay to have an adult nearby.

"Yes, nearby. There are adults everywhere you look. You don't have to come with us," I'd argue back.

But it was no use. My mom was stubborn and too protective. So then I'd yell at her and say that I'd go hang with someone and make sure an adult was nearby. That led me to next door where I'd play with Drew and we'd watch TV.

Whenever he was sleeping while I was over, I'd just talk to his mom about life and how I was doing. All those normal stuff. But even though she was Drew's mom, I thought of her as my own and wished she was mine constantly. I told her stuff I never told my mom like people in school, and boys, and clothes. Heck, I've cried in front of her too but my mom, no. I'd never cry in front of my mom.

My thoughts were interrupted when the car came to a stop. I took in my surroundings. We were in a driveway. But it wasn't mine. I'm guessing it was one of my mom's friends. The kind that wasn't overprotective.

I looked at the house in front of us. It was exactly big but it wasn't exactly small either. It was a good size, though. The outside was painted a dark blue kind of color and the grass was prefectly green. There was a walkway with flowers all along the edge. On the other part of the driveway that we werent on (it was a big driveway), there was a basketball hoop and on the actual driveway were the court lines like the half court line and the foul line.

"Here" my mom said as she shoved an envelope in my face.

"What?" I asked.

"Here" she said, shoving it in my face again. "Go put this in the mailbox."

I looked around and noticed that there was no car besides for ours in the driveway. They weren't home. "Why can't you?" I said harshly as I turned back to face my mother.

"Because you're younger and I'm your mother. Plus you can move easier."

That was her excuse? Wow. But since I was eager to get home and actually wanted to get out of the stinking car and get some fresh air, I snatched the envelope from her and opened the passenger car door.

I was walking up the walkway and was just about to drop the letter in the mailbox when I heard someone say, "You don't have to put it in there. We're home."


Ahhhh! Well I for one really like this chapter and think it's amazing. I have some ideas for it :] Anyways, this chapter just lets you know about Riley, what she's like, and it introduces the plot. SO please vote, comment & fave for me. Pleaseee! And if you really like this then please help me out by getting more people to read it! Thanks :] oh & comment if you want a chapter dedicated to you!! & let my know if there are any birthdays this week!! Also the picture on the side is a picture of the character Riley!

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